Interesting Mathias reports to Genn and keeps things from the current King

Anyway you slice it, kaldorei summoned the Legion and kaldorei caused the sundering of Azeroth.

As Azshara was the kaldorei Queen of the Kaldorei Empire. While Malfurion was - and remains - kaldorei.

So it isn’t even about generational blame, because there are kaldorei who exist today involved in those actions.


Second war orcs are dead. Most ancuent nelves are still alive.

Hmmm… as someone with a legal background… thinking of the trial of Garrosh… that’s a tough pill to swallow. The prosecution and defense there both were individuals with no sense of their own laws, let alone whatever the court laws were, were completely biased and the judges were just animals that already had their own pre-formed decision.

And here I was about to argue you about gnome warriors making sense.


I read that and was like… “oh here we go, some tedious extrapolation and comparison of out of context jargon….”

But I was pleasantly surprised.

I hated that book. And just when it was getting awful - the breakout scene happened, and I about flipped the book. I remember reading that and being like… is this really where the story is going?… And then WoD…

If only Anduin let Garrosh eat the poisoned jail food…


But that was not the point I was making, all the elves share a portion of the blame, however I was agreeing with Jhaella that the Blood/void/high elves share a bigger portion of that blame.

The Legion would still be around and now with a fully powered Pantheon of Titans.

I don’t know about that, the Jailer had his agents around doing stuff, with his finger on the proverbial pulse of the Legion - Argus being infused with Death without the Legion knowing.

The Champions of Azeroth might have found a way to keep up the fight, if the Jailer was still making moves to throw the Legion off balance.

“Anduin lets Garrosh eat the jail food” would be an interesting AU to see, imo.

Well yeah, the trial was a very ad hoc thing, because like all things Azeroth, logic and reason had to take a seat for some Main Character NPC spotlight and cartoon logic.

But!! Still a trial, with all the roles filled!!


While you have a valid point, the same could be said for a while of Orcs among the Horde responsible for its atrocities, including Saurfang and Eitrigg. While it may not apply to Orcs now, there’s still those Horde members complicit in the atrocities of Garrosh’s and Sylvanas’ regimes. And don’t get me started on the Forsaken’s war crimes.

Even among the AU Orcs, everyone responsible for the Iron Horde didn’t die off at the end of WoD (remember “DrAENoR is FReE!” No demon blood excuse that time)


All warlords are dead, even Durotan who was killed by light Hitler for refusing to convert. And he was the good guy. What else do you want? Is anything but total victory not acceptable for alliance stans?

It’s almost like the people who wrote it had only watched shows like Matlock or Parry Mason… :smile_cat:


So, what we’re really saying is that it was nothing more than a glorified kangaroo court style of proceedings :dracthyr_crylaugh:


Citizen Alynsa, your crimes are multiple roasts and the manufacture and distribution of memes. How to you plea? Defense noted.


Not guilty by reason of inanity!! My record speaks for itself in that regard.


The Horde defense really makes me wonder if this world is worth saving sometimes.

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“The Horde defense really makes me wonder if this world is worth saving sometimes.”

If you are going to post bait, it works better if it is more clearly worded.


Except Orc Hitler got killed by Joan of Argus.

I don’t mind if the Alliance doesn’t get a total victory or even gets a big loss if it’s done well. Even a Horde victory can work.

why would she care

Because she’s essentially his godmother.

can you elaborate on that for my understanding by chance?

Jaina and Anduin have a sort of auntie - nephew relationship. Not in the biological sense but in the ‘close family friend that they feel like family’ sort of way.

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