Interesting Mathias reports to Genn and keeps things from the current King

I will take my issue to your eyebrows, young lady, and how captivating they are.


Llane sent Ambassadors to the Horde to try and make a deal, the Horde sent them back in body bags. The Horde, especially once Doomhammer was leader, had choices, they chose genocide.


I disagree, because Xe’ra spent months in-game with a mental connection to our character and interacting with them. We put her sentience core in our class halls, meaning in some cases putting Light’s Heart in a place saturated with Arcane, Life, Death or Fel. iirc a demon in the warlock class hall complains about Light’s Heart being there. But Xe’ra? Not a single word of complaint or even questioning our life path (unlike Revil Kost, who criticizes warlocks and death knights when they first meet and even has friction with druids).

:+1: Couldn’t have said it better myself.

While most changed their ways afterward, the Orcs first arrived to Azeroth as invaders. Some of the Orcs were manipulated, some of them willingly served the demons.

After what he saw, I think Turalyon showed great patience, compassion and insight to be able to see that Orcs are no longer the demon-serving marauders they were in his day.


A’dal is Kosh… X’era is Dark Kosh.

Until she was put back together, she had neither voice nor perception.

Xe’ra literally speaks to our PCs and guides them through the quest chain, and has a link so she is, quote “…able to see and feel as you do.”

That sounds like both voice and perception to me.

It’s fascinating how you’ll never let this topic go, destroying every thread you touch because you pin your real world faith to Xe’ra so much… considering she’s dead. But I guess you have a thing for beings that don’t exist.


She has to link in order to do that. Before that she’s just a lump of crystal carrying a severely out of date distress message.

Not that it’s any of my business but I feel one can point out the absurdity of one’s conduct without ridiculing faith in broad strokes.

That’s never a good path to walk.

As to the thread: Genn’s interest in Anduin is basically at the behest at his friend’s dying request. It makes sense that they’d want to keep him in the loop.


It doesn’t matter what you call a group, genocide is wrong. In fact a debate over what racial label to give to any who happened to be an Orc is racist.

To me, the idea that the Alliance has the right to commit genocide automatically puts then on the evil side.


If the Alliance wanted to commit Genocide it could have done so during the first siege of Ogrimmar.


That doesn’t make me wrong. Now to get back on topic, Genn and Mathias not telling Turalyon is not a big deal. Some fans are just making mountains out of molehills or inventing headcanon to make up for the lack of lore.

One instance of not committing genocide doesn’t make the instances were it tried to commit genocide go away.

But, more importantly, are we done with trying to say that they had a right to try and commit genocide. That was over-the-top.


And if it did try it was because it got tired of having to suffer genocide after genocide from the Horde.

Like yes Jaina wanted to drown Ogrimmar, it was ultimately her choice not to do so.

And Jaina’s actions, right or wrong, were in response to the Bombing of Theramore and other acts of war from the Horde.

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Sure are a lot of orc simps in this thread.

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They outnumber the Turalyon haters (though there’s some overlap).

If by that you mean people who don’t believe genocide is acceptable then yep, sure are a lot of us in the whole of the world.


Funny thing to say given the Orcs’ greater involvement in genocides.


It’s impossible to take anyone seriously who unironically uses the word “simp”.