Just as I’m seeing people argue for Arthas’ redemption and and the placementof him as Sylvanas’ punisher, I’m now seeing claims that Anakin Skywalker full redemed himself for his activities as Darth Vader while his former Padawan Ahsoka needs to “redem” herself from abandoning the path of the Jedi, despite the fact that it was the Order itself that threw her under the bus in the Clone Wars and booted her out the order.
Apparently in the Force as elsewhere, women continue to be judged by different standards.
I don’t’ follow the new lore, but didn’t Ashoka leave the jedi order because she was falsely implicated in a bombing plot against the republic?
When she was found to be not guilty she was like “No thanks, I’m good. See you later.”. I don’t remember her opening up younglings like someone told her they had a Willy Wonk golden ticket inside.
She was literally thrown out by an uncontested vote of the Jedi Council, in which not even Obi-Wan Kenobi dissented from. During that entire affair, the only Jedi who stood up for her was her master, Anakin and only by his own unaided and unguided efforts was she vindicated.
Keep in mind that Ahsoka was literally sent to war as a child, she literally grew up during the Clone Wars, a life of constant battle, crushing levels of responsibility including squadron command of Clone Troopers and the Order literally condemned her on circumstantial evidence, threw her under the bus due to political pressure. And she’s And when she’s vindicated did she get an apology? No Windu utterly dismisses what she went through and their part in it as her “Trial” by the Force. And it turns out that she was literally set up by a Jedi for this fall.
Can anyone realistically blame her for not reupping? And it’s not like she gave up being a hero along with giving up her lightsabers, she continued to aid others in need that destiny put in her path.
What makes it even more ironic is the people in this forum compaired Sylvanas to Darth Vader in regards to how evil they both were, and even he in the end was fully redeemed in the new series, he was able to atone for his past and move forward.
He acended to Godhood as The Father. Used his own fall as a teachable moment to his padwan and the audience. But, Sylvanas can’t have that? To serve as a teachable moment on how one can self reflect and change.
This is a weird thread.
But is it as weird as a Star Destroyer failing to hit 3 people on the ground from a 90 degree height advantage?
No. Our heroes should have been dead before they made it 5 feet towards the temple. That was a dumb, dumb scene.
Even if every direct hit missed the sheer force released by each proximate strike would have made their internal organs into a red slushie
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He died, the only forward movement he made was towards becoming a ghost
I think the difference here is that Arthas is a player character.
Not that I think he deserves redemption, or that Asokha owes anyone anything.
Just, people tend to be fairly attached to player characters.
My name was a player character in multiplayer mode.
Refusing to go back to the prequel-era jedi order isn’t something you atone for. That’s like atoning for escaping a cult.
As far as her being a child soldier, yeah. They all are.
Ahsoka has been one of my favorite characters since clone wars, but i havent watched anything of the live action stuff yet. She was to me the best example of an force user that didnt adhere to the Jedi code but didnt go to the dark side, Is she now going back to being a Jedi? I dont think she necessarily needed that. But to be fair, the Jedi order stablished by Luke would be different than the one of the Rebublic era.
She didn’t join Luke’s Jedi Order but she is training Sabine in the ways of the Force despite having temporarily given up on her due to her fear of ending up like Anakin.
Ahsoka in the Show lets go of that fear she acquired from learning that Vader was Anakin and walks back from the precipice and becomes a more worthy master of Sabine.
Anakin after dying became a living Balance between Light and Dark shifting between the two as needed. Thanks to his final training of Ahsoka as a Force Ghost she is now in a good position to work with Sabine to fight whatever the Nightsisters were running from on their Homeworld of Peridia.
There are multiple Dark Side Entities calling out with the Force to any who listen. One is located in the Unknown Regions calling out to Darth Sidious while another is in a whole other Galaxy on Peridia calling to Baylan Skoll.
Anakin, Ahsoka and Sabine are in Peridia to bring Balance to it’s Galaxy. Anakin’s job is also to bring Ultimate Balance to the Force and yet there is a Dark Side Entity in the Unknown Regions not to mention Rey killed Sidious despite the Sith being supposed to meet their demise at Anakin’s hands therefore I deem this Dark Side Entity in the Unknown Regions is a Sith and thus Anakin’s Final Enemy after the threat in Peridia is dealt with.
Sith are a Cancer in the Force that threaten the Balance and apparently got their influence from Peridia if what Baylan Skoll says is correct. First the progenitor of the Sith must be dealt with then the last of the Sith must fall for the Prophecy of the Chosen One to be fulfilled fully.
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Indeed they are, as apparently Sylvanas is worthy of redemption but Arthas is not. Arthas was just a bad guy, but Sylvanas? She just had half her good soul missing, she wouldn’t have done anything she did otherwise.
Also this convo is old, who cares about SL.
I don’t think she really abandoned the Jedi code, just the Jedi order when they failed to live up to their own ideals.
Can we ever talk about Dragonflight?
Its been years of Sylvanas 
Even in a thread about Star Wars people still feel the need to bring up Arthas vs Sylvanas. Really wish people would stop already, nobody’s changing their mind on the topic and it’s been beaten to a unrecognizable bloody pulp a thousand times already.
This isn’t a Star Wars thread. It’s a thread about Sylvanas. If this is a Star Wars thread, how about not posting it in the Warcraft lore forum. There’s another forum for other things.
The OP brought up Sylvanas.
Looking at the title of the thread, thus making it about STAR WARS
Well…okay. I guess only if you wanna be contrarian about it 
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Ok, how about deleting this thread and moving it to the off-topic forum? Since it’s about Star Wars, it doesn’t belong here.
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I mean sure. But I’m not a MOD or the OP so.
It’s just weird to state that a thread about the Star Wars community somehow doesn’t make it about Star Wars 
So you are the type to read the article headline but not the actual content of it?
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I gave up on star wars 10 years ago when Disney took over… Actually, I think it’s been longer… I read all the EU books, I’ve got over a hundred at home. All those moments…
I mean people say “It wasn’t George Lucas’ Star Wars anyway”. But, he validated it! Sure it’s clear it was for the money, but it was my star wars through my childhood.
This New Stuff is just… Uninteresting, no matter how hard it tries to be otherwise.
But, that’s my opinion after all. Plus, SL didn’t happen, IDK what ya’ll’re talking about! Sylvanas died on her way back to her home planet, I’m sure of it!