Instead of removing Wrath, why not separate Wrath and Cata just like Classic is separate from Hardcore?

I think this would be a nice way to make it work for everyone. Many people do not want Cataclysm to take away Wrath of the Lich King. I enjoy PvPing on Wrath servers the most, and I don’t want the class designs to be gone forever.

Everything that exists within Cataclysm is currently within Retail WoW. You can even assemble a Firelands raid with Timewalking. But everything from Wotlk and prior is obsolete in this game. It already sucks that Classic works on half the schedule the original releases had, where expansions had at least 2 years of lifetime and Classic has about 1 and a half (or less).

Please please please!!! Let Wrath Classic eras stay for the long haul. People would love to keep them instead of being forced into Cataclysm - there is nothing classic about it. That expansion and everything it brought with it still exist in modern WoW.

I propose - separating Wrath servers from Cata servers. They have done this with Classic Original WoW and its distinctions with Hardcore and Season of Mastery/Discovery. Why can’t we get something similar for The Burning Crusade and Wrath of the Lich King? Why are people so okay with letting those go away?


Wrath had more in common with Cata than it does with Vanilla and TBC. If you’re talking about when the game radically changed, it was Wrath, not Cata.

As for your suggestion, it wouldn’t work. Era, Hardcore, SoD all run off the same client. Just patched differently. That would not be true with Wrath and Cata. It would require a separate install.


I think a separate installation works just fine. They were able to allow people to send their characters from original Classic to TBC when TBC Classic dropped. The same can be done here for those who want to take their Wrath characters to classic. They can very easily create a new client for Cataclysm while letting the Wrath servers stay intact.

And I believe personally that Wrath has more in common with TBC and Vanilla. Wrath sums up the story from WC3 and from then on, Cataclysm brought forth more World of Warcraft relevant lore. So I disagree. Cataclysm brought new game mechanics, faster progression, a new revamped world map, and more. The old world was made much easier and manageable.

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Fully support and agree with OP.


you can do that with Ulduar so i guess we don’t need Wrath servers


You can do that with Timewalking yes, but when I say that Cataclysm exists in game I mean everything that Cataclysm changed within the old world still exists. We can have a Black Temple raid too if we wanted in retail. But with Cataclysm comes an updated map with an updated leveling system. The game starts becoming less about the journey to max level and instead about doing everything at max level.

Just vanilla zones. Nothing to do with wrath. You can play all wrath content in retail. I guess minus the undercity scenario.

Cata didn’t change the levelling process. It was legion that introduced level scaling and bfa that squished the levels.
So no, you can’t play Catas “levelling” in retail.

Started in wrath. Nobody cares about the levelling in wrath classic. It just an annoying grind to reach max level. There is a reason why wrath introduced rdf and heirlooms.

Objectively and I mean objectively, Wrath is very close to Cata while being very different to TBC. At least the later part of Wrath (which people are most familiar with).


That happened when TBC Classic added the boost. The journey lost all meaning.

And if people want to experience the original world, there’s Classic Era.

I can’t be bothered to type for the 10th time why there’s not going to be any WotLK era servers so here you go.


You had no problem needlessly repeating yourself in the other thread then wondering why I specifically wouldn’t do the same.

Speaking of which:


Okay? It’s called repetitiveness, you can only do something so many times before you can bothered to continue.

What are you on about here? Are you talking about when I called you out for editing your posts instead of replying to people? Cause if you are then I didn’t have an issue with you doing that. What I had an issue with was you removing context to the reply within your edit.

And if you want to bring that thread here then sure...

I am very upset and feel let down that the company began allowing people to boost their characters. It definitely takes away from the open world but I can at least say that in Wrath Classic I did still see people leveling before the dungeon finder came in.


I’m leveling, I’m leveling a Hunter (lvl 77) mainly through questing and doing a dungeon whenever RDF pops (which isn’t often but I’m in OCE so idk how it is for NA). I think most people just aren’t interested in leveling tbh, they’re just waiting for Cata leveling if they’re planning on playing it and if they aren’t well then what’s the point of leveling a character that they’ll never raid with.

I’m sure that there’s more merit to your point in NA what with the sheer number of people (sucks to be OCE :frowning: ) do you know how often people get queue pops for RDF in the 71-80 range? even a guesstimate would be appreciated.

so you’ve been upset with them since 2009 it seems. It’s a long time to be upset.

Do people that RMT and support gold buying, boosts, carries, WoW Token and botting also not want there to be a WotLK Era server where the people who would play that version of the game; would no longer be a part of the player pool that participates or wishes to be associating with cheating?

Having a fully geared character, able to duel, BG and WotLK Era Arena all day really sounds great. Would really build a cool community. The same with TBC Era.

A true and real Classic World of Warcraft community.

Just like we have here on the forums.

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If we get enough reports on my post, we know at least someone at Blizzard has seen it.

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Boosting hadn’t started until I believe Mists of Pandaria, when they started supplying level 90 catch up boosts? Or maybe it was a later expansion. But to answer your question, I am not adverse to the game changing. I continue to play Retail but I will admit that I feel let down with how their release schedule has been.

Right before Wrath Classic launched they said that their release schedule would not conflict with Dragonflight so that people had a chance to play both games and experience them in a good timely manner. But that wasn’t true. Wrath and Dragonflight released within two weeks of eachother, and then each subsequent patch had something following. The first Dragonflight patch brought Hardcore Classic and the second had Season of Discovery coming up right behind it.

Wrath of the Lich King has more patch content than Dragonflight, and will be done before Dragonflight is done. I personally love the class design of Wrath, the way that stats work, PvP, and everything in between. It was like the last expansion before many classes got overhauls and changed how they played.

Change is good - but if they brought something many people loved back, why would they take it away Tesalyn? :frowning:


Not really MoP, was introduced a few weeks before wod prepatch. More of a wod “feature”.

Yea I don’t like that. Destroyed all my hype for Dragonflight.

Does it? And did you know that before the release of Wrath/Dragonflight? Dragonflight had very strong major and minor patches.
As someone that has played both but mainly Wrath Classic, I’m pretty sure Dragonflight had more content.

Right it was WoD, that expansion I believe had the changes I was most upset about. For me it was mainly the changes to the player models - but that is a topic for another day.

And I agree. I wanted to try and balance time for both games when Wrath and Dragonflight came out. I enjoy Retail and everything it has to offer. But I also miss the game when it was Wrath and I didn’t have time to play TBC Classic when it was out. When Hardcore came out, my friends and I wanted to do that and ended up having to split our time up. The thing with Classic is it requires much more time to progress and that’s OK - but I wish that Blizzard staggered the releases better to allow time commitment for both equally.

I agree that Dragonflight has very strong major patches and the minor patch updates did not disappoint. Dragonflight is a fun expansion filled with many things to do before raiding, like the revival of Professions and Dragonriding. But in Wrath of the Lich King, what I mean is that they were rolling out new content to prepare for. For example, right before ICC released they brought the ICC hardcore dungeons like Pit of Saron & Forge of Souls. They brought in the RDF towards the end, which we all have our feelings on that but it ended up becoming a staple for the game to this day. The Argent Tournament was huge once upon a time and I remember not being able to do it when it was current content, but when I had a chance with Wrath Classic I enjoyed how lively it felt. The game in Wrath Classic definitely feels much more alive in my view

I disliked many changes in wod too.

I agree. However, Dragonflight is there main game. Blatantly said, Classic is just a by-product that milks people that hate retail.

They did that in Dragonflight too. For example dreamsurges, or just patch 10.0.5 and 10.1.5 in general.

Not sure how this is the conclusion of the arguments you gave.
And no, I disagree here. Wrath Classic as it stands now is pretty dead. It is the least played version of all wow version and the majority of the ones that play are just raidlogging (which isn’t necessarily bad but it is against the idea of a living game).

Classic and HC aren’t separated like Cataclysm and Wrath. They are separated as in, the same version of the same client, like Cataclysm Classic and Cataclysm HC would be, if they added Cataclysm HC.

I understand you want a Wrath Classic Era server to persist. You don’t have my vote, but I don’t want to take yours away! Good luck to you!


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