Instead of raid or die, the game is raid/M+ or die!

I think its always been like that for pve, otherwise they just added m+, i dont think you where able to get end game gear anywhere else besides raids and M+ is just more convenient

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We’ve always known that end game reward were raid content and that was the goal for most players was to get enough gear ,consumables to enters them,yet now you have to the creme of the creme with a rating to go along with it ,have a history on a log.when it use to be.“Hey,man, want to run a raid tonight?” Those days are pretty much gone.

Not really, if you have a key and start your own groups like iv been going for like last few years rating dont mean that much unless you doing super high keys

That is a way, true but where do you get these keys? and who would take you if your history is a bad one or not up to date? No one.

The game would die almost immediately unless they made it actually a fun experience you can work into rather than facing glad players the first night you do any pvp.

Yeah they need to start stealing open world content ideas from other games and prioritize implementing them. idk if I’ve seen a zone flop harder than zaralek.

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You get a key from a guy in a city and then you inv people , and push the key to what ever you want , its pretty simple

Lol @ low level scaling in PvP. That has never been balanced, but top-level PvP might as well be the same thing now. Feels just as bad.

That should NEVER have been a thing, only makes things worse for noobs.

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So no more run dungeons to get them? Oh Wow that simple?? defeats the purpose of doing the game ,what a game changer I never knew that.

No not since SL i think

The game always been raid or die ultimately. It’s just getting there took longer, and the novelty of it made it seem like there was much to do. Social media also wasn’t there, and it was much easier to believe that you’re “higher than average”. It was much easier to believe in your own “hero’s journey”.

Whereas these days all the top endgame and e-sports are on display. The perception is that average WoW player does hard end game content. It’s much harder to believe in your own “hero’s journey” doing whatever side content.

And frankly, I’m not sure Blizzard can do anything about it. They can add million side things to do, but nobody will do them, because ultimately what players ask for is to help them feel relevant again in this modern highly competitive environment. I think this is a problem of all vertical MMOs in the modern world.

I think that’s why a lot of people play classic, because the end game vertical component is very squished there, and you can get pretty high up there with lesser effort and feel more fulfilled doing other stuff in the world.


Part of that has to with the massive nerf to Zaralek. Which was a bad idea. It immediately killed the zone.

The OP doesn’t say anything about loot though…

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I think you right,where’s the hero’s journey? we start off being a single person in a vast new world full of wondrous places ,adventures new skills ,meeting new people that share our journeys with ,some stay and some leave in time but we keep striving to do what a hero does ,helping ,conquering our surrounds for good or in cases the worst.

In the end it is that journey that is the most rewarding .

I havent done anything much harder than lfr or random bgs since wod. Still enjoy the game almost daily.

Sometimes I wish it was Heroics (harder) → Mega Dungeon Mythics → Raiding

What exactly do you want added or changed? Most of your posts have been about removing M+ so obviously taking away what others enjoy would make you happier, but what else would satisfy you? Is it a gearing issue? Is it content? What is your complaint?

bfa - pvp essences
castle nathria

Lmao. I know, right? :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

I raid, pvp or do M+ on the side. Since M+ becomes irrelevant rather quickly and Raid takes only 1~3hours a week, I prefer my method.

RP or die. Get those IC rep gains.

This is the way!!!