Instead of raid or die, the game is raid/M+ or die!

This has been the state of retail now since BFA, all the content outside these 2 pillars as far as PVE goes has been just terrible.

But hey, this is how the game has always been raid or die, and now raid/M+ or die, so things should stay the same even though WoW’s competitors have been adding tons of non-competitive content for years now.


No, there’s also PVP.



More like “uninstall or die”. Lost all interest in even M+ since it’s a waste of time right now if you’re not one of five specs, lol. I’ve been playing KSP and Far Cry 6. Much better games.


I hope one day we get pvp or die.
That would be hilarious


PVP is basically rated arena or die.


I heard that Mogadishu is nice this time of year.


We had this in Nathria.

Except that rated is optional? You can do exclusively wpvp/bgs and have a great time.


Since BFA huh lol that sure is a interesting take. Those rose tinted glasses must be extra tinted.

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I don’t know. I go long stretches without doing either, and still make quality use of the time I get to play. Maybe I’m just too tired to be so achievement oriented these days, though.

Lol, I know exactly what you are saying here and I totally agree. The entire “the game has always been this” or “The game has always done that” is such a weak arguement that equates to absolutely nothing.

Just because something was done a certain way in the past, doesn’t mean we can’t improve as we move forward. Im fact, it’s called evolution and its why humans no longer live in caves with clubs, but instead sit on these computers and smart phones and argue about stuff.

Change for the sake of change is also silly mind you, but really, in terms of WoW, it doesn’t matter how things were in vanilla, bc, wrath, etc. All that matters is what is best for the game and its players now.


Don’t have to do M+ or raid if you never bother with the PvE

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PvP is pretty dead.

Because of this.

Class balance is awful, it’s basically beat yourself up playing against Ret, Boomie, Spriest, Holy, etc.

Hunters at the bottom rn, except Survival.

All classes have changed massively over the years except us, and Monks.

Paper defensives, as well as being a “set-up” class in a ZugZug Meta, press W and spam gap-closers. Hunters can neither escape or do damage, even Boomies can just bear and ignore us. All we can do is fight mages, who have an easier time doing CC (poly) than we do.

Hunter traps are a meme and can be spell reflected.

Rets are so heavily played/skewed in Shuffle it’s not even funny.

PvP is so unfun as a Hunter right now, I wish I could cancel my sub early.


“Do end game content”

oh nooooo

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WoW has non competitive content. The “Raid/M+ or Die” statements have always referred to gearing.

You arent going to get end game ilvl rewards from “non-competitive” content.


A lot of classes are painful without a disc priest in one pocket and a resto druid in the other, unfortunately.

What they are asking for is a different type of end game content, not the ability to avoid it completely.


They are asking for “non competitive” end game context, to apparently give rewards on par with m+ and raiding.

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Yeah,about right,you either do the content that baits you to doing the raids ,mythic+ in their eyes or your “not playing the game,so you might as well leave” . Then if it not insultive enough for laughs,they create content for whales and elitists. So they wonder now where’s all the people in this game to do the content we design for,they left just as you said.


The game has a million things to do. Tens of thousands of quests, collectibles, events, etc.

It sounds more like a complaint that better gear is coming from harder raid/mythic+ more so than having content itself.

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I can’t even keep up with all the “noncompetitive” stuff there is to do in this game. I’m still working on content from BfA.

This is what a lot of the elitist players on these forums don’t get when they attack you for not wanting to engage with mythic raids and M+. Your progression pretty much comes to a halt if you don’t engage with anything beyond the easier raids and M+.

In the past, the end game content didn’t have the demands it puts on you today, so I didn’t mind raiding back then. The way the game is designed now, is just atrocious for casual players that liked how the game played for almost a decade. This segment of players is pretty much forced to play Classic, meander through retail, or step up into the competitive content treadmill.