Instead of boosts, why not passive %xp increase?

why not just give a passive like 30% increased XP for 1 toon?

i know you guys gotta profit off your stuff to line bobby’s pockets… but look at OSRS, its like triple the pop of RS3 and they listen to the community and dont use pay to win strats to please to shareholders.


I think it’s due to the content. Starting at level 58 allows you to start in TBC Classic content, and not have to revisit WoW Classic content.

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I get that… I think there positives and negatives to both sides, But there must be a better way to do the boosts or get people to TBC without allowing botters and stuff to take advantage.

Classic server populations appear to be significantly smaller than they were a year ago. Subscriptions to retail have also fallen way off. ‘They’ may be finally coming to the realization that Wow is no longer the cash cow it once was. Selling services may be a way to prolong the point in time when wow is no more.

My data doesn’t fit your model. My server has signifcantly more people than it had a few months ago.

as long as it’s not paid for I’d be more accepting of it but I’d much prefer the old RaF system instead.

There will be botters without boosts. Boosts do not materially increase botting.

How do I know? Classic is filled with bots and there have been no boosts in Classic.

that seems to be the biggest argument against it… idk im gonna buy my boosts for my 2 accounts. but until blizz fixes their bot issue it wont matter imo.

I’m looking at the server list. there used to be lots of FULL realms, now there are none. The majority of them are MEDIUM now. There was a time when the majority were at least HIGH.

Google previous forum threads about how those FULL/MEDIUM/LOW tags are awarded.

As I recall, the tags are fairly fungible.

I googled classic realm populations for 2020 and 2021 and those numbers overall seem to agree with what I said although there was an indication that 11 of the 40 U.S. realms had increased populations. We can agree to disagree if you like. If not, have a nice day.

Part of the problem with xp acceleration is that the road to 1-60 doesn’t offer enough gold or gear to keep skill trained and gear to an appropriate level if the speed of leveling is too quick. You reach a point where you don’t have high enough level gear to survive mobs at your level, or in the case of ranged classes the overall uptime drastically is reduced since your mana pool can’t keep up.

This isn’t too much of a problem for players who have a patron main to fund the purchase of leveling gear and to supplement gold for skills training and mounting costs. However, for new to classic players, having the leveling speed set too high can actually cause the opposite to happen. There may be periods of time the character will be stuck grinding grey level mobs for cash and gear drops since they can’t kill green level mobs effectively.

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Since A-B doesn’t release any population numbers… where did your numbers come from and why do you believe them?

Caveat: I don’t want to get into a “cite your source” debate. My point is, I repeat: A-B doesn’t release population numbers therefore any source that publishes them is questionable.

If you’ve got real, A-B provided data, point it out to me and I’ll be happy to walk back my statement.

We’re not even to the point of disagreeing yet.

Im fine with both existing at the same time

Get more into the world please.

As a PSA, I’d like to remind the last Alliance person to leave, remember to boat over and cut the lights off in Darnassus. Mother Azeroth thanks you.

While I would also like to see another solution than paid boosts (RaF or a change to make leveling better), the problem is the target audience for these are the convenience-driven, instant-gratification players from Retail. It’s entirely the wrong target audience and I am willing to bet that most of the boosted players don’t make it past the first few months of The Burning Crusade once they find out about the attunement systems and time sinks involved. Remember, The Burning Crusade was the first expansion to start daily quests.

The whole argument that Blizzard is promoting as their reason for offering boosts in The Burning Crusade Classic is a straw man argument at best. Those that don’t have the time or willingness to level from 1-58 will last at best a few months with the end game of The Burning Crusade.


Sounds made up

What paid service gives instant gratification in retail??

Boosting is not pay to win.

A passive % XP increase would be more beneficial to botters than a boost, which they won’t be buying anyway.

Also, that being said, RAF is more flawed than a straight boost. RAF was heavily abused by botters in WoD.

Because that would be a reasonable thing to do that makes sense.