Instant Vote Kicks?

If OP gets kicked a lot, the problem is the OP.

Random groups are random groups. If you can’t hack being grouped with random strangers, some of whom are badly geared and have no idea what to do, maybe random is not for him?

A priest tried to get me kicked once because I was solo defending a base through the entire battle instead of off doing damage and they told him to shut up.

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Those are great points. Now that I think about it, how many people are required to insta-kick someone? As I suggested in some other thread, I think insta-kick should require half the team plus 1. Or at least up the number required in epic BGs… it should be at least 15…

OP, obviously it’s actually YOUR behavior that is toxic, not the community seeing that I also use chat a lot in BG’s to try to motivate and coordinate my team, yet I rarely ever have been kicked.

You should evaluate how you communicate with your fellow gamers.

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They put it in as a way for players to deal with bots/actual afkers. Sometimes it has unintended consequences, but not often enough to make a deal out of it. They could give us nothing.

still, we go out of our way to upset and piss off players because it makes them reckless, then we act all shocked at players who are upset. it’s really a double standard where we punish each other for doing exactly what we want.

We do? I’ve never met this OP in game, have you?

I think they should let us vote to turn friendly fire on for our team mates.


this OP in particular, no, but players in general. when you kill someone 5 times in a row and /dance over their corpse while you plant the flag of ownership, you know they are probably going to be upset, the more vocal ones will start going off in their chat.

I mean, we’ve all been there. It’s part of pvp. I still don’t think they should take out a system (which actually isn’t that common since reports have to be within seconds of each other) that lets us deal with actual afkers over some people getting upset.

im not saying it should be removed, but perhaps have the threshold increased

the best thing would be if the community stopped abusing reporting and flagging, and that goes for everywhere, not just in bgs but here too.

I think it’s good where it’s at. it’s not like pve where a pop up shows up and people vote. In order to get kicked, you really have to piss off a lot of people.

all it takes is to say something in chat: “Jugajr is afk” then poof, you’re gone.

Not really that easy. People still have to time it within seconds, this isn’t pve

it really is that easy, i’ve even felt bad about it a few times because it’s worked when i think it shouldn’t have.

It’s probably easier to pull off in Epics vs Non-Epics.

More people, so more likely to get clicks.

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Well yea maybe they should increase the 40 mans. I’m talking just regular randoms.

@Inemia, we all get tilted from time to time. I have said some pretty mean things in BG chat before, but haven’t been vote kicked yet. If OP is seeing a regular pattern of being removed from BGs after sharing his “advice”, I think we know exactly what is happening. He’s screaming, cursing at people, and calling them all sorts of names. So much so, that he has been removed from more than one BG, by different groups of random people. His behavior is 100% responsible for what is happening, not inherent flaws with the flagging system.

I think back to my own ugly moments once I have calmed down, and I know I shouldn’t have chat raged. It serves no purpose other than to antagonize other players. Even if everyone on your team is awful, what do we expect to happen by calling everyone noobs or whatever? They won’t suddenly stop sucking, and improve their play style. How man people are truly being removed from BGS undeservedly?

There should be consequences for behavior like the OPs’. When I get tilted, I just stop queuing, rather than exacerbate my crappy mood. Or do you think people should be allowed to rage insult their entire team whenever things go wrong?


Oh I’ve been insta vote kicked too. One recently was in an AV where I said “I will get mines” at the beginning. I went and got mines. On my way out of mines someone said “(mage) what are you doing?” I said “getting mines like I said I would” and I got instant kicked. I was PISSED since the queue was like 20 mins and now I had a debuff.

Another time I was doing Gilneas and hanging out at LH healing. We successfully fought off several waves of horde that were attempting to take it. I was top heals. The other idiots didn’t want me there and wanted me to assault mines. I got enough vote kicks to get the “you better get in combat or get kicked” buff so I had to run to find some horde to not get booted.

They really should rename it to “we don’t like what you are doing” vote.

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Hahaha I like that idea.

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I’ve been kicked for saying what someone did was a bad idea and they shouldn’t do that again. No foul language or anything. Just “this is what happens when you do X”. I die (like in AV) and rez away from the action and BOOM…afk starts. I even said something to a guy I was talking to in chat and he didn’t even realize I had been kicked. There should be some sort of flag raised internally that tells blizzard that the kick may have been abused and took a snapshot of the players logs for review if that player objects. Just an idea.