Don’t get trolled by these same sjw’s who live on these forums lol. Again, insta kick happens when enough report you afk in a short time span even if you’re not afk.
Can’t get any clearer than this. As of now, the reason doesn’t matter so don’t worry about it OP. You can get kicked for having a bad transmog if enough people report you afk lol. It is stupid, but Activision-Blizzard probably isn’t gonna change anything.
LOL. I didn’t see anything that wrong with his post compared to some of the frequent trollers on the forum, not to mention in game.
It’s really not smart to support group kicks when you don’t know the full story. I’m assuming you support it if known twinks/exploiters are insta-kicked as well?
Also, do you ever play epics on the toon you post on? I have never seen you in one.
The tone of his post suggests that he has problems articulating himself. Given that the forum would be after the fact and he would have had time to cool down, and that his later posts in this thread followed a similar pattern to the first, I stand by what I said. A group majority has the right to remove a person from a game for any or no reason.
As for your other two questions, I don’t pay much attention to the twink discussions because I only play at max level so they really don’t concern me. Exploiters should be banned, but I feel your post was suggesting people twinking are exploiters. I don’t know anything about that.
This character has 2500+ games played across Isle and Alterac so yes he does play in the epic battlegrounds. He’s no longer my main but I’m on him occasionally, mostly at weekends.
Yea I have to wonder about the people who get kicked frequently enough to make a thread about it. I’ve been booted twice, and one was a Horde AV group which I expected. Second was in a BfG while leveling one of my toons. Our team played so bad that I simply stated “just let them 3 cap” Obviously, I shouldn’t have said that but it was one of those games where Horde was 1,200 points to our 2-300. Basically one of those matches you know you’re not coming from behind to win since we could barely hold a single node. Either way, I suppose I saw both of them coming so it was w/e
Well, darn, I guess I miss seeing you then. That’s a bummer because you sound very good at epic BGs and alliance needs way more folks like that.
I’m sorry for my irritation, but it bothers me to see people just automatically assume a poster deserved the kick because of the way (s)he posts on the forums. I think for anyone to make a sound judgment on that, they’d have to be in the same BG observing what was actually said by all parties.
Also, I think if anyone is auto-kicked they should always be able to see which toons are reporting them.
I know some people like to think they’re as pure as the driven snow yet they find no issue with making fun of random folks on the forum for anonymous mob-sport, and I consider them far worse than the players they seem to enjoy bashing.
not necessarily, i think its outrageous to assume that everyone must be happy and friendly 100% of the time, we’re humans, not robots, emotion is part of the deal. forums are certainly not enough time to cool off when all it takes to get here is an alt-tab. the report system both on the forums and in game will put players on edge as it doesn’t allow for people to be themselves, they need to pretend to be happy and friendly when they are clearly not.
Well, I’m just thinking if there is a pattern - like if the same people AFK report you a few BGs in a row and you know you’re playing objectives and not trolling then it’s a harassment issue and should be submitted and hopefully remedied.
Because you can always ignore people as well. Why report because you don’t like what someone is saying? If I reported everyone who typed something trolly or something I disagreed with I wouldn’t be able to play the game. js
“Need a couple of people to help defend the FC please”
“Get out of mid you [bad word] road fighting [bad words] and help defend the flag ffs, jerks”
Which is likely to provoke a better response? Emotional is fine, abusive is not.
This is fair and it is an assumption that their tone on the forums matches their in-game tone, but they haven’t done anything to dissuade us otherwise and it’s equally an assumption that they were perfectly polite and were kicked for no reason. I don’t think I’ve been in a game yet in over a decade where someone has been kicked for absolutely nothing.
one persons abusive is another’s normal. i personally have no problem dropping the F bomb to people’s face, but some people act like you murdered a baby for saying it. different people grow up with different levels of aggression and emotional outburst being their normal, to assume everyone must be customer service friendly at all times is foolish.
obviously it’s easier to get what you want when you are being friendly and nice, but that’s not my point, players shouldn’t necessarily be punished for being human and having an emotional outburst. it doesn’t make people super friendly, it makes them walking cases of repressed rage.
this is made worse by the mentality that you must offend nobody lest you get kicked, it’s impossible to say anything that doens’t offend someone somewhere.
We’ll have to agree to disagree here. I have no problem with swears (people IRL will tell you I probably swear too much!), have a thicker skin than most and for the most part find rage hilarious, but you have to be mindful of other people’s sensitivities.
You don’t know who the other people are or if they are 10 years old. In my experience being toxic gets you nowhere (apart from a loading screen). 9/14/39 other people do not need or want to see your rage.
As I said, a group majority has the ability to remove a player for any or no reason.
The suggestion to the OP is there. If you are being kicked frequently because you are being vocal in chat, and you don’t want to be kicked, something needs to change. It is not the 9/14/39 other people that need to change, it’s the one common denominator.
“A little consideration, a little thought for others, makes all the difference.”
I think we agree more than we disagree. I guess I see so much bad stuff (just like your example or worse) every single day that it feels pointless to stop trying to do the objectives to report all of it. Maybe it’s not that helpful to yell on the forums about it - which I have done myself, admittedly, because it irked me to be reported AFK - but that doesn’t mean the poster’s point is moot.
Anyway, I think most of the time when people report it’s because they “don’t like” someone, rather than because it deserves a report. Aaand my rant is about done now.
how do you balance something like catering to the most sensitive of sensitive poeple (as blizzard does) and the ADA requiring them to accommodate people with disorders like tourettes and ADHD?(both of which are known for swearing and ADHD in particular with emotional outbursts)
even within gaming in general, we’ve gone from duke nukem saying “eat sh*t and die” in kids games to “you can’t say that here” in a game mostly played by adults. any parent who thinks their kid hasn’t been or isn’t exposed to swearwords on a daily basis forgot what 6th grade was like.
i don’t disagree that being toxic gets you nowhere, but as i said, people aren’t machines, and we aren’t paid to be here, so the expectation that everyone must be customer service friendly at all times is absurd. yes, the 9/14/39 others should be able to kick a player that is causing serious problems, but at the same time, that threshold needs to be exponentially higher than it currently is. people are people and we need to put up with that. if we kicked everyone out of the social group for upsetting us, our species never would have made it out of the trees. we have grown too thin skinned for our own good.
also, i don’t expect someone who just got killed for the nth time in a row and t-bagged/flag planted to be in a mood where they can say anything nice, i think we should all think before we report: “if i was in their situation, i would probably be upset and need to vent too”