Instant Vote Kicks?

Yep, just got kicked for giving directions in WG. It actually made me laugh since there were at least 5 people that said “what’s the plan”. We were on defense and some rogue said “ALL BT”…ugh

I’ve never been kicked from a BG ever, on any toon and I go off #%^#$&#&#$ at nubs when ever it’s called for XD (touch wood)

auto kick means 5 or more voted you afk in a short span of time, I would guess it to be about 5-10 seconds in my experience.
you can also get gradually non auto kicked like say 2 or 3 vote you afk and then 2 or 3 more vote you afk again ontop of that.

After you claim the mine, go do something else because unfortunately there are alot of people who just sit in the mine for 30 minutes lol.

Needing to vent is just weak. If you can’t laugh at being teabagged, you probably have an anger issue, and playing competetive games isn’t going to help that. PVP is venting, you’re going around murdering hundreds of other people. If you leave that angry, then PVP isnt for you.

And if you act like a jerk, get kicked, then continue to be angry, you aren’t learning from your mistakes. You’re just banging your head against that wall.

not really, everyone is different, some people can just shrug stuff off, other’s can’t. pretending everything is fine when it isn’t is also bad, what people need is a proper outlet to vent. chat isn’t it obviously, but that won’t stop people from doing it there.

very true, but you need to remember that for a lot of people they don’t understand their own emotional shortcomings(you learn as you age) so they are not going to see their own behavior as the problem, but the intolerance of others, just like OP does.

i do want to point out that im not justifying someone being toxic in chat, simply explaining that its more nuanced than black and white. i study psychology as a hobby.

Its funny how often you have to say that, but its totally justified. People would be coming after you so hard.

I feel like PVP in itself is that exact outlet. If I have a bad day at work, I hop on one of my lower level characters and just smash as many people as I can. There’s something about PVP that is very calming, unless you’re desperately trying to win and are losing.

If you feel the rage, screw the objectives, just kill people. Nobody gonna kick you for that! Everyone ignores objectives!

i can explain the psychology that leads someone into becoming an axe murder too, that doesn’t mean im justifying their actions.

absolutely, someone kills you, you kill them back. your boss treats you like crap, and you just imagine every HMP you run across is your boss.

there is a little succession there where it can just create a negative feedback cycle, get killed, try to get back at them, get killed again, repeat a few times. most people will either give up and move on with the game, break down, or get upset. OP got upset.

Yeah usually I cap it and then get out, but I got overwhelmed by the mobs and died. I rezzed up and was heading south when it happened. That’s why I announced my intentions at the start to try to avoid the problem. Sigh.

I have found it’s best to not say anything at all… you just do your stuff and hope the rest know what they are doing !!

It’s hard sometimes when you have lost 2-3 in a row , lol


I say nothing on BGs except to call out their healers at the gate before start to be focused and call incs if I am on a point. I’m too busy doing my job on a BG to talk needlessly. I’ve never been kicked.

How many of you have been kicked? And why? Curious to know how common this is.

I remember getting kicked once when I played before, but not since I’ve been back. People don’t like it if you call them out. I was threatened once recently (lol). “U bout to get popped, (insert swear word here).” I had the nerve to call out the stealthy “guarding” the base with me for being afk, and his internet tough guy friend didn’t like it. /shrug

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Oooo, internet tough guy! :rofl: These people crack me up. Yes, we are all so terrified of some 15 yr old playing in his bedroom in Michigan (or wherever). :roll_eyes: My usual response to this type of thing is - Yo, Fisher Price Pimp, isn’t it nappy time?

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Man why is everyone hating on Michigan.

Pipi in Ally Forum Friends last night and you today.


Ya what’s the deal with that … proud Michigander here !! :muscle:t4::muscle:t4:


Haha, yeah, or “Isn’t it past your bedtime, honey? Don’t let mommy catch you on her account or you’ll get time out.”

Heck with Michigan. It gets way too cold there.


I have no idea why Michigan came to mind. lol Could be New Hampshire! New Hampshire lacks that certain something though. Idaho? :grin:

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Detroit twink city, thats what I’ve always said.

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Nugent, that you, bro?

The Motorcity Madman ???

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