Inn AFKers, "Q-dodgers"

I have the choice and I don’t do it.

So wait a week or two to play.

You also probably are level 1 because you can’t log in.

I have a level 12 hunter and a level 10 priest

I do mean this with all due respect but these answers are not good enough lol. People shouldn’t have to do that. Just increase the server cap for a couple weeks and then lower it.

You also mean that with no knowledge of how this sort of technology works apparently. Grow up.

Pretty brash don’t you think? If your on a high pop server that is 1 thing, but overall the experience has been pretty good just by virtue they can let a lot more players on then they could back in 2006.

Technology isn’t perfect and expecting things to be buttery silky smooth with zero issues is wishful thinking for any MMO.

Could care less. Just do it. They have no choice.

You really can’t unless it’s patterned.
There are off the shelf programs that will hit space bar or another key every 60 seconds for you.

So if there’s a clear iteration of the action, then it can be detected or at a minimum flagged as odd behavior.

The kicker is, I doubt many people went out and downloaded Caffeine or something like that.

There isn’t much they can do about it bro.
There are a lot of “legal” macros you can make using oficial mice softwares.
Also, you don’t even need to use a macro, you could just place something heavy on the arrows keys and leave it there.

No games ever banned or timed out players doing that kind of stuff, Blizzard with WoW Classic won’t be the first.

Besides, if f2p games won’t do it, why a subscription game would? lol

But I bet in a month or two queues will be gone, it’s just the initial hype + streamers fans and people wanting to try new games. It’s always like this.

No. They do have many choices. One of which is doing what they’re doing now and they’re definitely not going to change because of your tears.

Tears? lol. Good one kid. Have fun in classic.

I am! Thanks it’s a lot of fun.

Why does everyone act like tears is an insult? Emotions are healthy. You’re feeling hurt, frustrated, and betrayed. Tears are fine. Embrace it, and move on.

Look at the context. Good day.

I see the context. One commenter made an off-the-cuff typical internet remark. My point is, there’s no reason to take it as a grievous insult.

You are perfectly entitled to have strong emotions about something you feel passionately towards.

This poster replied to likes to incite and lock. Don’t bother with it.

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This is all completely rediculous. When WoW was launched 15 years ago, servers were physical. Now, any IT shop with half a brain (read all of them) use virtual servers. Virtual servers can be spawned on demand as utilization demand increases. In other words, 10 servers can AUTOMATICALLY become 1000 servers in a cloud farm, as these are no longer physical things but virtual processes. IT wasn’t nearly this bad 15 years ago. There is no excuse for this ridiculous crap. I speak as a former VMware Senior Consultant and IT guru of 30 years. If Blizz doesn’t know this, and I’m sure they must, they are simply doing something wrong. I recall walking into a large city gov’t org in Nashville one time, spotting a major network issue in 15 minutes, telling them about it, and finding out they had 2 consulting groups, hundreds of thousands of dollars, and 2 years of problems behind this issue, which I told them how to fix in 15 mins. I’d like to do the same for Blizz. Scalable virtual cloud servers with on demand deployment FTW.

General rule of thumb: if your /played is less than your queue time, just reroll on a new server.

Normal caveats apply, obviously. Don’t leave your friends unless the whole group is onboard, because transfer rules/plans are unclear at the moment.

Sounds like a potential path to a hamster wheel. Done it 3 times already. No ty.