Inn AFKers, "Q-dodgers"

How can you tell the difference between that and someone just pressing space bar every once in a while?

I can’t wait for the queues this weekend. People are going to be pissed.

They messed up and I have sat at 14500ish on opening night, that was a long as queue, but I finally got in to play. I feel for you guys that sit in that on the reg now that we are at day three.

But I am with blizzard this one, not a fanboy either. I quit for many years. But, I have been on servers the were medium sized that went dead. That is terrible. I don’t want that to happen again. All I can say is, just pick the newest low pop and go there for the time being. Play and have fun. These queues will die down soon enough. I hope.

For the AFK / Q-Dodgers you mentioned, if they are only gone 5 min or so, let them stay logged in. Everyone need to hit th bathroom, get a snack, w/e. They don’t need to log out for such a little bit of time. Just because we see an AFK, doesn’t mean they don’t deserve to be in game, because we don’t know how long or why they are AFK. But I did see some dude sitting for my entirety of leveling in the orc starting zone. Not sure what that was about, maybe he was just chatting with someone ignore.

Life short, this isn’t worth stressing over. Think about why you guys are upset, cause you can’t log into a video game.

Not only is this an appeal to authority fallacy but you are assuming just because you can’t do something that no one can.

“All sorts of education” btw

Not everyone exploits for ingame advantages like you, noon

I’m fairly certain they are doing afk purges. Last night, on my server Pagle, a significant number of people on the server got booted. I was able to get immediately back in, guess they added the grace period, but I’m fairly certain it was to purge people who are circumventing afk timers.


Stamping your foot after being completely obliterated isn’t going to immediately make you right.

Some people have to go to the bathroom, some have to step away from the keyboard for a few minutes, because their family is interrupting them, or they get a phone call. No one wants to get stuck in another 3 hour queue so they park their toons for a bit. You probably are doing the exact same thing, so just pipe down. This is pretty much how it is right now. Until Blizzard offers transfers to less populated servers, or adds more, this is just the way it is, so deal with it.

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Why is it so hard for you to understand that they’re stating the problem isn’t necessarily with Blizzard’s devs being inept. The problem appears to be negligence from above.

When I need to AFK I just hearth, come back and jump every so often for however long I need to be AFK.

Such queue dodging, such macro skills.

The problem isnt that they “choose” to run into a wall is to avoid having their character logged out and therefore prolonging que times for those actively at their computer.

I’m a software developer, so am I “allowed” to criticize them?

Oh wait, I don’t really care your opinion. I’ll do it anyway.

I missed the part where you demonstrated the specific code architecture that is “negligently” being used to the detriment of WoW’s subscribers.

Please re-reference.

From my experience playing yesterday, this problem seems self correcting, as everyone appears to get disconnected intermittently due to general server instability.

If you’re using a simple keyboard or mouse macro to stay active, but not physically at your desk when you drop? Back to the queue you go when you return.

Granted, this doesn’t solve actual programmed bots that can log you back in on disconnect, but I would imagine instances of those are significantly lower than people casually using readily available macros or hardware “hacks” (like a water bird) by several orders of magnitude.

Negligence in the case would be underestimation or cost saving.

What are you getting out of this btw?

You’re allowed to criticize as much as you want.

What you’re not allowed to do is say you know something you don’t know.

That’s called lying.

So you are telling me you want me to sit in an 8 hour queue instead of jump every 10 minutes to avoid the queue dodge? Yea, I don’t think so. I could care less. I’m not going to sacrifice my gameplay time to sit in a queue longer than the amount of time I have to play the fukn game each day. Sorry not sorry.

This is the exact attitude that ruins this situation. Selfish trash. This is why we cant have nice things.

What are you talking about? I literally can’t be asked to sit in an 8 hour queue when I have 5 hours to play the game each day with my friends after work. Get real.

I’m fully aware of the motivation. It is still a choice even if you put choice in quotes.

Every single person is trying to log in as soon as humanly possible and maximize the opportunity once in. Stop acting like there’s a moral high ground here.

If there’s no other input Autorun still flags you AFK

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