Inn AFKers, "Q-dodgers"

I got to play for almost 5 hours last night. I logged in at dolanaar (Thalnos) and immediately saw a toon running into the wall. He was AFK and I just assumed he glitched or had ISP problems.
After around 5 hours later, I finished damn near every quest in Teldrissal and decided to log off in Darkshore. I went to Dolanaar one more time before heading out to dump my bags and the AFK runner was still there. Running against the wall behind the main counter.
Then I got it.
It’s dirty. We have to wait to log in, why shouldn’t he?

I know I was told on another post if I wanted to play I need login at 5am and set my computer to not Afk till I get home at 6pm and now this post says thats probably unethical.

Im in a moral conundrum.

I’m gonna laugh when these afk queue dodgers get slammed with a 24-72 hour suspension for botting.

It’s not hard for blizzard to see who stood in an inn for 4+ hours, killed 0 mobs, and performed specific actions at timed intervals.

They probably already have a list…

I just hope they drop the banhammer this Friday at 4:59 pm… That would be justice served…


Random rolling restarts every couple hours with the character select timing out after 5 minutes would fix this

That already happens. Last night I got Dc’d probably 3 times in 5 hours.

Agree 100%.

I mean, If i wanted to play on a western-pvp server i had TWO CHOICES.

I’m no software engineer, but even I was like “hmmmm that seems…really small… for a server that is supposed to cover the area of almost 60 million people…”

I mean if they had increased that number from 2 to like even 4 or 5 the launch would have been way smoother.

Haha, I totally agree Wylkanth.

Blizzard has fantastic developers and sys admins.

It couldn’t possibly be the 200k people coming home from work that cause the queue.

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Ever stop to think if people like you weren’t queue dodging the actual queues wouldn’t be so ungodly long?

It takes forever because people sit afk and clog up the spots.

And then 2 months down the line people such as yourself would be whining that your server is a ghost town and you can’t find people to play with.

Look at retail servers. Theres like 6 populated realms and 60+ dead ones. You really think its wise to follow that protocol for classic when this will be a temporary flux??


Had a couple friends ranting in discord about long wait times.

I pointed out to them that a full server is preferable to even a mid pop server. How we use to complain on how difficult it was to find new people to recruit into our guild.

They calmed down and we played some other games while waiting for our queue to pop.

People just need to chill and realize this is a GOOD problem to have.

I’d rather they remedy the queues and server pops before they deal with that. It’s a symptom, not the problem.

I tried the running at a wall thing. I will admit it because I got in at 2 am and was too tired to play after a 8 hour wait. I got reported and was disconnected. Which is fair.
I just felt desperate to play a game I love because the servers are so bad.

They already did. They opened more realms. If people don’t move, that’s not their fault. I had characters at 7/6/6 which I abandoned to move realms. So don’t cry to me about transfers or lost work.

Do some Google searching. This is a rough estimate over time thanks to keeping an eye on realm times as well as people running the WoW population addon to help record populations across NA servers for years.

The average number before a queue time has always been between 7500-10000, so I took the high end of it.

Tweet at them, post multiple threads here, on reddit, at mmo champ, everywhere. Raise awareness, report them in game for cheating. We need to clean this game up.

it is against ToS