We intend to open the free character move service in the Americas region at 4:00 p.m. PDT (7:00 p.m. EDT) today. We will begin with transfers from these two realms:
Earthfury (new realm)
Earthfury (new realm)
We will be opening free character moves for the remaining realms that we previously listed here as soon as possible.
Most of us are really worried about what is going to happen if the new realms don’t work out population wise. That alone is stopping a lot of people from moving for the fear of abandonment.
Do you or the classic team have anything that could help alleviate some of that stress that they will help to reduce queues but moving but wont be abandoned if the server does not populate as expected?
Not buying the dead server paranoia. Aren’t these like 15k pop servers? Correct me if I’m wrong. I think that’s like 5 times the vanilla cap. And there are still 10k+ queues at times to the current full servers. If even 5k transfer, that’s still way more than a full vanilla server. Am I way off base?
They haven’t said how long it lasts, but yesterday they did say there would be a 1-day restriction on creating new players on these new realms, to help transfers keep their original names.
In other words, not moving on the first day might result in you not keeping your original character name, for whatever that matters to players.