Inferno Dungeons... Just Boring

25% dmg not noticable.

100% hp is.

Just feels like slow mode. HOO, but it takes twice as long.

Bottom tier content. Do better.


60% would have been better. It’s SOOO slow.


Yeah this was just lazy designing by Blizzard.
More HP and damage but zero new mechanics.
I literally am falling asleep mid dungeon doing them.


I am just now leveling my shaman alt… are these inferno dungeons good for alt gear… if so this might suck for me… :disappointed:

They give you a currency that is used on a vendor that has gear from the current raids, normal raid weapons and various heroic raid pieces of other slots.

I guess for this week… yeah?

But the justice point vendor now has the 359 valor gear and the valor vendor has 378. It’s just another source added as a catch up mechanic.

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Well what gear are you in?

They’re tuned for what 340 ill something, since they’re you know catch up, of course they’re going to be easy if you’re in there in 359 or 372.

You cant expect quality from blizzard anymore. Especially in cata classic. It’s abandonware.

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they’re definitely not tuned for 340. you should be at least 355. I struggled to keep people up on my holy pal at 370. It’s a disaster. The mobs in HoO hit way too hard. It’s probably more that they just take forever to kill. I don’t enjoy spending half my mana bar on one pack that takes 2 minutest to kill

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I don’t really disagree. Maybe they should increase the dmg to like 50% and reduce the HP to 75%.

I’m not sure how the reception was to the attempts to make them more “fun” in Wrath Classic, and for those who prefer more challenging scaling, M+ in Retail is pretty ummm… fun (subjective, I suppose):

idk though… I do feel like we’re not doing enough damage at the moment, but that will change with FLs gear I think.

What would you like to see?


I’m just here to say after doing 5 of them: Its the most boring stuff I’ve ever done. It feels so low effort.

I was so hyped up after the last iteration of protocol gammas with the buffs that made you do more damage, I was even inviting some friends to try them up. I wont even invite myself to do more of them now.

Protocol Inferno: Every dungeon is like being locked in hell.
“Elemental Rune Dungeons” with 0 Elementals

This is the lowest point in Classic disappointment.


I was far more disappointed by H+ in wrath.

These will work much better as a catch up since there’s no annoying new mechanics that lead to toxic gate keeping. Which also makes them much more enjoyable for people just grinding them out for VP.

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These dungeons are too hard for people who aren’t already in like 360+ ish gear imo, a group of 346 would be squashed like ants, i can’t see this being popular


No problem with the rewards. They are plenty rewarding, 3 currencies at the same time plus drops.

They are just boring. I ran HOO and man was it a snorefest. It took forever and my group was heroic raid geared.

My thoughts after running a few.

I don’t mind there not being “affixes” it’s cool that they are a bit harder for greater reward.

Damage buff should not be blanket. It needs to be tuned for each instance. Even with the buff some instances tickle as prot, but others truck you hard as mentioned above with HOO.

HP buff is too much. Kill some heroic raid bosses faster than some of these dungeon bosses.

Imagine if you were a group full of 346 people. Some of these bosses are just massive HP sponges. Nothing really threatening… just… kinda sit there and pound on them…

That is definitely an issue.

Yeah doing these using randoms in RDF is a trip. I can only imagine doing them with a full group at the recommended ILVL of 346.

The problem is not that 100% more HP makes the dungeons slow

It’s that most DPS that you find in pugs are dreadful, didn’t took the time to do the bare minimum research in class changes 6 months into the expansion, and are competing with the healer on DPS.


No. This is 100% the problem, I had a full group of my own raiders with me last night, dps doing an average of 34k+ dps st on every single boss, and it was a SLOG, we were able to do about 4-ish dungeons in 4 hours.

yeah i think that’s the main issue. now that the mobs actually stay alive for longer than 20 seconds you actually have to know what their mechanics are and how to deal with them, like stacking for meteors and dispelling/interrupting stuff.