Increasing M+ group size to 6 is a 33% increase in dps per group

then how does this happen -


It’s a question not a statement. Questions don’t happen.

They’re also main spec Prot, from the looks of it. So they’re probably not hurting for keys. But that’s why I was mentioning earlier that it is cool to see them consider the other players.

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Oh, okay. So, if those players would just

then it wouldn’t happen. It’s wild how easy of a solution that is.

I don’t think that’s going to happen. I think this is one of those things hard-coded, buried deep into the spaghetti code of WoW. If they mess with this, it might break the game irrevocably.

If there are more dps than dps spots then everyone making their own group will but help.

They also introduced a new role themselves, and now that role competes with dps players, up-ending their own game. It’s sorta on the devs to adapt the game to fit at this point; altho they’ll probably just take the easy way out and not introduce any more support specs, gradually changing augmentation back to a full dps spec and things go back to the way they used to be.


I questioned the percentile when I first saw it.

The current setup works just fine. I run M+ on multiple toons and don’t have an issue getting or making groups.

Sure declines happen, sometimes takes a few to get a tank or healer but overall I run them just fine. More people more potential problems imo




terrible idea

And it would result in an increase in some way to account for the extra dps. The instances were balanced with a static size in mind, any change to that would results in them being easier than intended.

I’m reading and hearing complains about the time it takes for dps to find groups.

Could be they don’t have the gear or score for the keys they are applying for. I listed an 11 and had some apply with low 400 ivls sooo yeah they were declined.

can confirm. if good dps join my group its a rarity. Its almost impossible when i’m dpsing.

Dps will always have wait times its true in every single game, not just wow.

Also increasing the group size would force them to rebalance the entire game which likely isnt going to happen.

While I think 6 is a better number, because I think you could throw in some more interesting mechanics with an extra person or make suppoert classes. I dont ever see it happening.

Aug just needs deleted imo. Its not good for the game.

Repeating, of course.

(If you get this reference, then you’ve been around this game way too long and I salute you!)

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Perhaps stop playing a class that does absolutely nothing for the group, and watch those invites come pouring in.

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They would probably have to boost heals by 20% to account for the extra health of the group and extra damage the group would take.

Sounds like a L for the tanks and healers having to drag another mongo around.

But seriously, in the pug life it be risking one more rando for no benefit to the other roles. Probably not a big deal if you always had that extra person in your organized group to just add in though.

Start with m+ and expand on it and it wouldn’t be bad.