Increasing M+ group size to 6 is a 33% increase in dps per group

I tank on my warrior, paladin and dk.

Get rid of M+ imo. Or turn it into 10 man raids with the same level-scheme as raids. 5-man gear scaling is just whack.

I mean I’m actually ok with M+ existing but it’s just lame imo. 20 levels of the same crap with 3/4 “Affix” points. Cool. Just give me hardmode right off the back or do it raid style. I could care less about scaling content.

I doubt they’d remove m+.

Getting a good DPS that checks all the boxes is even rarer.

4 dps spots would mean there are more spots for dps without lust or a brez

You could try explaining why you think that is a silly suggestion. We need more support classes, Blizzard has a historically hard time balancing 3 pure dps spec classes so that one of their specs is normally abandonned. Pure dps classes lack a “group spec” that they can jump to in order to get groups. Without more support specs, Evoker is going to devolve worse than it already has into “just Aug”. If you gave support roles to any of the hybrids then they’d be bringing yet MORE utility to groups.

So, do explain how my suggestion is the silly thing and not you’re inane reply.

Almost 100% sure if they ever made them 6 man, they would just accordingly adjust the mob hp and damage to compensate. They’d have to adjust mechanics too to account for 6 targets instead of 5, which could be interesting.

Ah, old school Strat and Scholo.

Them were the days.

Yeah I don’t think it would be a great undertaking tbh.

True, I however was more referring to a DPS that lets the tank pull and get threat before going ham, knows which adds need to be targeted first, interrupts when needed, avoids standing in stuff, you know, the basics.

When the headless horseman event first came out you could ten man it.

Removing a spec or playstyles people currently enjoy is silly

There has been major push back every single time it’s ever happened. It will greatly annoy a sizeable percentage of the playerbase.

Combined with them already saying they won’t do it

Back tracking on their word to do an action that on its own will already upset many people would be rather silly.

Easy. I like playing frost mage, if frost got selected to be neutered into a support spec, I’d probably just quit the game. I’m sure the fire mages and arcane mages agree. The same could be said of all specs for all classes. Survival got changed from ranged DPS to melee DPS and that was just
such a popular change.

Survival becoming a melee spec.

They’ve already done this. It isn’t new. They backtrack all the time and change specs people enjoy all the time into things that barely resemble what they were before. Ask Balance or Shadow players.

That would only work if every class had a support spec.

Yes and survival becoming a melee spec greatly upset many people. To this day.

And I think it would be silly to intentionally upset people again

That will be true for ANY spec they change. There is no getting around that. If you change Enhancement into a support spec or Discipline, there will be people who hate that just as much as you hate having Frost changed (though personally I’d pick Arcane).

The game needs more support specs (OR NONE), and they have to come from somewhere.

If only there was some other alternative to destroying something people enjoy

exactly. why would they make such sweeping insanely unpopular changes? It doesnt make sense if they wanna retain players.

Well, given that Blizzard just added a support spec to the game that basically removed both Dev and Preserv from being considered for most content because its “Aug or bust” for 99% of the playerbase

The devs don’t agree with you.