Increasing Anima Rewards from Dungeons and Raid Bosses

It’s not about getting mythic loot from wq or spamming m+ for bis . It’s about just getting loot period . I know I don’t have much to show but just the lack of loot makes playing not feel worth it period.

mission table progress is also tied to player power btw. Literally using a shield and weapon to from it to prove that. As well as legendary currency. Also a lot f gear that you can upgrade 7x is tied to player power, with heavy anima costs to do so. Anima is not just an optionial currency, especially to someone who isn’t raiding, it’s LITERALLY the only way to gear up. so it can’t be called a system not connected to player power.

Yeah… The amount of anima I got from M+ was my hang-up… Face desk

I imagine its hard to design a gear system for players that don’t complete dungeons, raids, or pvp.

I am pretty sure people can gear up with crafted gear.

But that really wasn’t what I meant.

They generally aim to provide catch ups for people to raid. If you aren’t raiding then there is no real need.

Did people actually use the mission table to gear up for raiding? I would have thought that process would take too long.

They did it perfectly in Wrath, Cata and MoP…

But for some weird/stupid reason, they tripped and fell over themselves in WoD and removed the very things that gave us a good non-Raid/Non-M+ experience and still haven’t added anything comparable back.

If we had badges of valor still, you bet your booties I would be running my daily Heroic to get them to get gear progression.

But Heroics only reward 35 anima now… so… meh with a capital M.

There was a point in time when there was more than just raiding and M+ in the game. Where there was open world content and progression systems designed around such.

There was a point in time where you could actually have some player progression in automatic matchmaking instances where you could avoid all of the drama of manual groupmaking.

EDIT: Also, I used to love doing the daily Holiday Dungeon event because the gear from them was usually equal to normal raid gear, and was a leg up for casuals.

This year? They couldn’t even be asked to label the copypasta website to include the name of the current Expansion. Unless it’s been fixed now, no joke, it says we’re still in BfA, lol.

And of course, Level 60 players get i44 items.

They’re just getting lazier and lazier.


Confirmation of Lfr bosses as well?

Doubt it.

LFR isn’t manual matchmaking, which they seem to be trying to push everybody into doing.

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  • Cookie dropped (per post) = 250 anima

What Grumbles deserves


Not everyone wants to do M+. I don’t really think trying to insult someone for not wanting to do M+ is the right way to go here.

They should buff LFD content too. Especially the daily heroic. 35 is just ridiculous. Why would I want to spend 30 minutes doing a heroic for 35 anima when there’s multiple world quests out that give 2-4 of those 35 anima per quest and many “stronger” Rares will also drop 35 anima items?

cant get anima from m+ and raids if no one will inv me to raids and m+ cuz of my spec

#buff havoc

They can push all they like, but some are done forever with the drama of both guilds and PUGs, and trying to force them into organised group content will end up just pushing them out of the game.

You can gear up to just below heroic dungeon level through crafting.
So… that’s not really gearing up, depending on the content your doing.

Was past it by day 3 of the expac. I guess it can get you ready for M0 if that’s your bag but its not good for much else. We were supposed to get heavy gear customization with optional ingredients too, but that never made it live in any meaningful form.

lol this is so laughable. All they did was put a band aid on it. Not even a full bandage. Band aids full off when dirty. Blizzard must think we are so gullible and silly if they think for one moment this is going to solve the problems with this Xpac people will still unsub.

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Oh, I agree entirely.

Really wish Blizz would realize that some of us want dungeon content without the toxicity of manual groups.

But I suppose if and when we finally get tired of WoW having no content for us, there’s always FFXIV, in fact, they just announced their next expansion and I think I’ve had about a long enough break I should try and finish up the last of Shadowbringers stuff that I’ve yet to do.

When I play FFXIV, I happily do my daily dungeons, weekly raids, because you know… you get viable rewards out of auto matchmaking content. Sure, it’s lower item level than Savage content, but it’s enough of character progression that it keeps me happy.

Rather wish we’d do something similar here.


Agreed. I am all about not having loot rain from the skies especially for doing little to no content. ie. AFKing in a Warfront to get Heroic raiding ilvl gear. But with how low boss drops are and no bonus rolls imo is a bit much. I thought the raiding loot system was fine last expansion and pretty much most expansions.

Patient: “Doc, I’ve been coming here for months now asking you to fix my busted leg. I sit in your waiting room for hours on end, nothing to pass the time except months-old magazines and still you haven’t looked at it. What’s going on?”

Doctor: “Don’t worry, I’ve heard your complaint. Next week, we’re getting all new magazines.”

Patient: “…”


They did not provide gear catchups in order to do that content either.

Feedback? Too little… too late.

this would be cooler if it was bumping up 15+ loot ilvl and increasing the amount of drops for a successfully timed dungeon