Increase Dungeon Group Size to 8

I usually have trouble finding DPS to do groups with. We often have to use healers (or tanks) in their off-spec role.

Changing the group size to 8 would make things even more miserable. I’d probably just stop doing M+ altogether.

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I just don’t know if it would actually decrease queue time, which is the reason always given for why they should make them more people.

If everyone that is a tank stays a tank and everyone that is a healer stays a healer, then ok sure. The thing is though, a lot of tanks and healers are tanks and healers because of necessity, and by giving the impression of “oh it will be easier to get a group as a dps now” they may well opt to switch back to their preferred role.

And remove/increase the space of any tight areas :grimacing:

Another good point. 8 people in SD is nightmare fuel.

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Make all random dungeons MoP scenario style, capable of being 3manned with no tank/healer but scaling up to x :wink: M0, M+ are still premade 5 mans

I don’t know why they ever abandoned scenarios. I thought they were great idea. Add some gear in there and voila.


Or, make some friends and run dungeons. Or better yet, roll a tank or healer.

But nothing will cause a greater healer/tank rarity than adding 3 more brain dead dps to baby sit


I don’t think I’d want to heal an 8 man dungeon solo, but I think having a flex sized M+ that lets you take a 6th person would be fine.

Maybe also give healers and tanks 1,000 gold at the end of every M+ in the chest to incentivize more tanks and healers doing m+ (could be a scaling amount based on difficulty)? Heroic satchels work to get more people to queue for heroics, the only reason they don’t do it for M+ is because you can’t differentiate between a pug and an organized group.

Or give M+ one extra gear drop that automatically goes to the tank or healer randomly.

If we’re also talking about automatic queue content, lower the threshold for satchels in that content also.

Are you insane? Tanking M+ is the hardest thing in the game right now, aside from tanking mythic sire.

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It’s a list of the excuses responses these “dps mains” use.

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That’s why it’s a tank and 2 heals.

OP isn’t taking this far enough. All m+ dungeons must take 45 players. It must be tuned where tanks and healers are unnecessary. When 50 players apply for the key, the dungeon must flex to allow for 50 players in the key. Also, hosting your own key is now a bannable offense.


Ye, my bad lol. Tanking M+ pugs is just about the worst experience I’ve had, and I have done it for 8.2, 8.3, and 9.0. I don’t think I am tanking again. People are so abusive to tanks, especially rag players, but generally all players.

On second thought this isn’t such a bad idea. I’m known for ragequitting (as tank) when the dps are bad. Now I’d have the chance to upset double the players!

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You mean the easiest role in the game?

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They do. But it should be its own class of dungeon, not remakes of the old ones.

At that point, it’s nearly a raid.

Raid lite. Something that would be fun!

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90% of the criticisms to my idea can be fixed with balancing.

I’d trade removing a systemic issue plaguing the game in exchange for requiring additional balancing effort of the devs. Any dev team worth their salt should take that trade.

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It’s sarcasm darling. All of those excuses are bad and/or lies.