Incorporeal Affix in M+ Feedback and it needs to be removed

1.5 second cast isnt it?

Okay, we’ll have to try LOS’ing them again next time it’s up. That particular run was our first experience with Incorporeal, so we were still figuring things out, but it definitely seemed like that cast hit us around the corner. Thanks for the clarification.

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Warriors can stun or interrupt it to give others time to CC it, sounds like a good enough middle ground to me.

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It’s an incredibly easy affix to manage if your group isn’t trash.

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Every class can handle this, just spec into it. If you are with mates who refuse, maybe get better mates. It is one of the wonderful mechanics that people say is so easy, but not one wants to do the 3 seconds of work.

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I like this affix, finally something which dps really needs to do something or they Will see numbers shrink. I think it should not change.

They don’t spawn that frequently and the cc does not break Even if You are at melee range. Nothing should change about it

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This affix is not that bad as long as you know it’s coming and talent for it. But yes there is some tuning that needs to be done. They did it with quaking and I’m sure they will get it tuned in shortly. This is the first week live so now they see what it does for the masses.

It’s super easy. Any CC you hit it with works and it can’t be broken. We had a massive group of mobs move on top of one of them. I’m Playing my Evoker and I know my AoEs had to hit that guy but didn’t break it. So a little tuning for timing and it will be nothing. Big thing is when they pop because of Spiteful. They shouldn’t be spawned off those adds. Only the main mobs of the dungeon.

The 2nd half of my comment specifically addressed this. You dont need a 20 second cc to be useful to the affixe. A stun will be enough to give someone else enough time to get to it.

shortened by haste, which is why I couldn’t remember the baseline. it’s 1.1 sec for me, so that sounds about right.

It honestly wouldn’t hurt my feelings
To many other games to play to stress over that

That’s all I do

There is no issue about it only the one you created

Okay, so it doesn’t impact you and even if it did you wouldn’t care. Cool.

You are still missing the point, but I’m not sure if it’s intentionally, trolling, a lack of empathy? There is so much to unpack here. Please rest on my couch and tell me about your relationship with your mother.

I don’t think it needs to be removed – it’s interesting and forces you (especially as a DPS) to pay attention to more than the muscle memory sequencing that the dungeons have turned into already.

I think it can be better by:

  1. Making them spawn exactly every x minutes so you can better strategically bait their spawn better just before a boss with mechanics that require positioning (such as the HoL hailstorm).

  2. CC’ing them despawns them instantly to avoid double CC

  3. Cap it at -80% or something instead of -100% to give you an opportunity to scramble to recover instead of a frustrating guaranteed wipe. Recognizing the failure but managing to (frantically0 recover via popping all cooldowns and barely surviving can make for more engaging gameplay and memorable moments vs. just forcing the wipe everytime.

Yeah, no. It’s a free affix and in the push week category. Much better than explosive thanks.

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Banish goes brrr

If interrupts (kick, pummel, etc) actually locked the incorporeal mob out, it would be a lot more tolerable for most classes.

If modified by haste then as more gear comes it should be adound that 1 second time.

Not the best affix, but is it the worse ?

Hunters qith traps and DH with imprison trivialize it though.

Or just stop being a baby and deal with it. Incorporeal is easy to deal with.

This affix really annoyed me last week.

It’s not a hard affix, though

I don’t like that my CC is constantly on CD. I use it often in keys for the actual mechanics. E.g. trap is a stun for a hunter and in pugs early in the season people don’t know what needs stops. I get most people don’t do this, just something that personally makes me like the affix less.

Really sucks for warriors, and it clearly favors classes who already bring cc or have easy access to cc (and/or don’t have to trade something they really want for cc)

As mentioned above I’ve seen some bad overlaps. They can also spawn super duper far away and at a really bad time. It can feel like many monkey wrenches are being thrown at once which just starts to feel annoying instead of challenging to me. Particularly trying to cc while running away from shades feels like too much

These random affixes need more attention, because I’ve seen this happen as well.

Yeah this simple change would probably take away most of my complaints about the affix. This and having them spawn by the mobs instead of the players

the only frustration with incorp or afflic is where the mobs can choose to spawn. if you think anything else, you never played necrotic during legion :slight_smile:

both of these affixes are borderline piss easy and arguably the 2 easiest affixes of literally all time. a mouse over macro literally deletes these.

don’t want to do that? you can make a shift key modifier for mouse over in the default options.

don’t want to do that? apply to groups that have 3 people that can do the affix. either affix can be done by 1-2 people. every role in the game can solve it.

sorry it’s not another tank or healer job affix :confused:

I agree completely

Who asked for these affixes. As a mage when there are 2 even if i am actively ccing one often times the one other person in my group trying for them stacks their cc on mine and we fail, or one appear so far away from everyone that nobody sees it. I wonder who approves these things before they are made and i think that person should be let go. Incorporeal and afflicted are just bad affixes. They ruin the flow of play and make the game feel like a chore. Its gotten to the point where if i notice 2 or 3 people not trying for them i just leave the group, ruining peoples keys. Then people are mad at me because they refuse to interact with the poorly designed affixes
I sincerely wonder if blizz is trying to drive everyone away from the game. I have been here through thick and thin but wasting 20 minutes on a dungeon to then feel like leaving is the smart option is such poor game design in my opinion. Video games should be fun and these 2 new affixes are simply annoying to the point where people are arguing about them before the dungeon even starts. Real engaging game play when you take an already salty on average player base and force this on them, causing a new tier of hate.