Incorporeal Affix in M+ Feedback and it needs to be removed

This is not correct.

As I said the affix is mostly fine. 99% of the time it’ll do nothing. the other 1% of the time it’ll completely mess you up and likely wipe you in higher level (20+) keys.

It’s trivial to CC in most situations until you hit a tyrannical boss where mechanics overlap and are already causing a problem; while these are the minority it’s frustrating to have an otherwise smooth run get ruined through “bad luck” (overlapping abilities + timer happens to spawn these Incorporeal + spawn a number that can’t be sufficiently answered).

A similar frustrating situation is the old engineering battle rez which would work most of the time but the small % of time it doesn’t work can really mess you up. It’s a “mechanic” that adds limited depth to the game.

If I were to adjust Incorporeal I would have each cast less impactful (10% loss of dps/hps?) but have each cast a bit shorter cast time.

This lame excuse is same reason why people aren’t average tanks why should I who mainly plays DPS go ahead and switch to tanking spec in order get keys done due too the affix.

There is no inbetween good or bad, it’s awful design decisions that ruin 2 classes for a week in higher level keys and Blizzard themselves should fix this immediately. Why are you cutting out some part of the playerbase who mains their class and have to gear/level an alt in order too enjoy the M+ week.

Stop asking for worst design decisions in forcing the ‘meta’ down people throats. This is like one ‘bad’ affix that people didn’t like in the PTR for a reason since it was originally worst and it still is a bad affix too deal with that’s more than hassle for Healers, and one dps off specing too handle that.

nah…its called make a group where you’re not stacking a bunch of melee every single time. Give ranged a chance to play too.