Incorporeal Affix in M+ Feedback and it needs to be removed

Incorporeal is almost a free affix, I don’t understand the complaints. It’s an easy affix.

Finally, someone gets it…

Just because something forces you to pay attention doesn’t make it good or fun…Forcing players to participate in an affix that causes certain specs/classes to be excluded will only do one thing, lower participation.

But by all means blizz, keep pushing out affixes that people don’t want and see what happens :joy:

At the very least, remove the hard cc requirement and make the adds disappear after the first interrupt. This affix isn’t as bad as explosives but it’s definitely not much better.

Incorp has mostly been a non-affix for me, but that’s because I run with a group in discord. Tbh, dealing with it in a pug sounds pretty unfun.

In disc, we’re communicating very clearly which one we have. “I’ve got the one by the stairs”… However, with the cast time not being super long, I can definitely see it being a problem in pugs. Hell, even in disc, we’ve ended up CC’ing the same one on accident. Having to CC the other one in time can be cutting it really close.

If anything, I’d just like to see it be given another 2 seconds or something on the cast time. Would help with CC overlap + high movement fights. 2 spawning during FH Harlem’s cannon barrage really had me risking it all CC’ing that thing IN a cannon swirly. :scream:

Not sure what my guild was doing them n because we LOSd them several times two days ago during 4 keys. Never had to cc them when we were around a corner.

Tank actively pulled things away just to LOS them.

This is a bad take and seems to miss OP’s point. (If you were referring to subsequent comments then I apologize)

OP’s initial post is taking issue with the fact that DPS warriors do not have a good way (or any way) to help with Incorporeal. OP was not complaining about slowing or stopping DPS to deal with them.

I’m lucky because I have freezing trap and scare beast (have to talent into scare beast though). A fury warrior can’t do anything and no fury warrior is speccing into shockwave.

No class has an answer to every question. Some classes can’t get out of entangling like Warriors can but I didn’t see any complaints like that the other week.

In theory we can handle an Incorp by ourselves with kick->Storm Bolt->Intimidating Shout. The final cast will nearly finish but it will despawn before completion.

However, all three of these abilities are much better suited for help controlling difficult packs, so it feels bad when I’m forced to use them because the group members which should be CCing are asleep at the wheel.

This reset was simply awful for pugging for me. Literal hundreds of group applications to 20s and I only got 3 invites, couldn’t even get my second vault slot to 447. People wouldn’t even invite to “completion” runs or keys I’ve already timed at 20. The affix is fine; the social dynamic it created was very exclusionary. I imagine Afflicted is going to cause similar issues.

I sure hope they fix whatever they were trying for warrior/DK on Friday before the next time Incorp rolls around.

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  1. Pointing out that warriors won’t help much on dispel week actually supports OP’s position. So in an odd way, your anger helps the cause.

  2. What stun is a fury warrior going to use to “follow up” the interrupt? I look forward to your answer.

  3. There’s no need to call people “dummies” and mock them for the inability of their class to provide support during Incorporeal or Afflicted weeks. Be better and remove toxicity; don’t add to it.

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Literally just finished a run with a warrior in brackenhide and I used my stun pretty much every other pack to buy the others time to use an actual CC and we timed the run.

We’re gonna see all these same threads when it is dispel week. People need to just get over it and learn to adapt or just reroll now and save yourself the hassle. Paladins are pretty OP this season.

My point being that if anyone is so dead set on thinking they are dead weight or “uninvitable” to the pug world, instead of expecting Blizzard to change things, they may as well reroll to a more pug-friendly class

And also to quit acting like they’re so helpless even on an incorp week. I made it work and I did both pugs and organized runs which largely went the same. I may not be the incorp destroying superstar, but I helped when I could and it was needed. Affixes are not a “role” problem. They are a GROUP problem even if that means someone else is primarily responsible…the onus is still on the TEAM to help make the run a success. If it’s a bad “healer week”, that means tanks and DPS look to be all that more careful to help the healer out.

I found the affix to be rather easy but I’m also someone who made it my priority to help the healer and/or avoid having the DPS help any with explosives. My lost GCD is far less valuable than theirs.

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This is fair and I actually agree with your point that every class can’t/shouldn’t nullify every affix. But surely there’s a middle ground where you can sort of deal with it, right?

I will disagree with comparing Incorp to Entangling. The “punishment” of letting an Incorp freecast is far greater than Entangling. And every class, interestingly, can indeed deal with Entangling simply via movement. Sure, classes can’t move as fast as warriors to deal with Entangling, but they can solve it.

Well, you’re kind of making people’s point here which is that if someone feels they cannot get done what they want to do because of a design flaw, that is a Blizzard problem. It’s not my responsibility to make myself want to keep playing the game if their design hampers my favorite way to play.

My sample size speaks for itself. The social dynamic is not healthy and only got worse the higher you go in key level. Last week I could get in to any 20 group with about 10 minutes of searching. This week it was multiple hours-long sessions with very little if anything to show.

I enjoyed it.

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Agreed with everything that you wrote. The social dynamic part is really the tough one. At your level of keys, why would a group lead want a harder time with the warrior? (As you experienced yourself)

As a sidenote since I don’t run warrior DPS at your level, do you recommend taking those talents? Are they worth the DPS tradeoff? Also, if you’re taking shout, are you taking the follow-on where they cower in place? I’m always looking for ways to get better!

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There are two builds you can run which trade off Spear for Roar. I tried out Spear this week since it prefers single-target and was able to top every boss fight while still staying competitive on most packs. Every 20 I ran ended with me at the top. Next week I’ll probably try out the Roar build for fortified.

As far as Intimidating Shout goes, I thought about trying out Menace but some of the positioning I’ve seen with Incorps made me worry about the knockback component affecting pack positioning in negative ways, so I left it empty and usually the 8 seconds on the native ability were enough to make someone else see it needed a longer CC.

I note you didn’t give a solution for the fury warrior “stun” question :yum: but I’m just being cheeky.

I appreciate your response and how you highlighted that it’s a team problem. You’re not wrong on that. And you helping your group demonstrates that you’re one of the “good” ones. Unfortunately, it sounds like OP and other warriors aren’t encountering folks like you.

It’s a social dynamic issue. For those of us who have no problem trading some DPS to deal with mechanics and help the team, not having a method to help really feels terrible. I hope everyone can at least see that when they read these threads.

I guess I just feel for my warrior brethren, probably because I also play one.

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It’s easy yes, but annoying with respect to where they can spawn. With no visual or audio cue, if they spawn behind you the first time you may notice them is when you get hit with the AoE. That’s pretty bad design, making this yet another affix that adds zero fun to M+.

Probably the same thing I do. Interrupt at the 4ish second mark and stun at the 4ish second mark. That wipes out about half the time the incorp add is alive. Obviously warriors and DKs are not superstars this week and they’re not going to be on dispel week either.

Blizzard didn’t design the affix to need 5 bodies working in perfect unison to handle the affix. My very last run this morning had a warrior. We timed it even being a billion percent over trash percentage. Every run I’ve done this week, there was at least 1 add that got missed initially and I was able to lock down long enough for someone with better capabilities to deal with it.

If I was a solo pug player, I would probably want to be a healer or tank. Failing that, I’d want to be a hero/lust bringer. Anything less is extra hard mode.

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You think that’s bad, we get Afflicted next. Good amount of classes can’t do anything at all for that one.

The affix is fine, couple tweaks could make it much better. Fix spawn locations. Had some spawn off a cliff, or so far away during certain mechanics it was impossible to CC. Add a extra second or two to cast time. Make the add de-spawn or something after its CC.

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