Incorporeal Affix in M+ Feedback and it needs to be removed

Why do you want to remove the easiest affix in the game ever? Press your crowd control button then forget about it!

Currently there’s issues with it spawning out of players range / behind the group from the spites at the previous pack.

I think the main issue honestly is that they spawn to far away and they cast just to fast.

So you either waste hard cc that you mentioned some classes just don’t have which is not good for the game at all. Or as you also mentioned you just don’t get into groups.

I think making the time between casts and making them spawn closer to the mobs/bosses would make it easier for quality of life playing the game so that way you don’t have to chase interrupts while leaving combat if one of the hard cc ppl are dead/ not paying attention.

Overall the affix is not hard to deal with. But as a warrior i can understand your frustration not being able to get into many groups and zugzug

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Been pugging warrior DPS all week because they are monsters in most keys. The rest of the party can compensate for them. Affix is no problem as long as the classes with CC handle it.

At the first of the week when I was inexperienced with this affix I prolly would have agreed with you. However, after doing a ton of mythics this week it’s actually a really easy affix to deal with. Yah so boohoo warriors and dks aren’t necessarily needed for 1 week. Meanwhile there’s other classes, such as hunters, that are actually wanted in groups for the first time since vanilla. I think it’s got it’s annoyances but it’s a mythic affix. It’s supposed to be a challenge.

Imagine you couldn’t and you either weren’t getting invited because of that or, when you were or you ran your key the key went to $#!& and they was literally nothing you could do about it but wonder how these people had 2k+ ratings.

I pug and most weeks are okay, but this week has had a lot of that what I mentioned above.

I’ll live with it, but I’m not enjoying it. And now you should understand the issue, no?

Imagine being a monk, frost dk, ele shaman, destruction warlock, etc… Bro there’s so many classes and specs that have purposely been avoided in mythic + parties over this expansion. For once it’s nice seeing blizzard make an affix that encourages inviting some of these other classes that during normal weeks would be avoided. You know the last time I invited a hunter to anything. I friggin hate hunters.

Yeah, I’ve seen some similar issues with them spawning way behind the group, out of line of sight. But being out of LOS doesn’t stop block them, so someone has to run way back to cc them. Seems like either the maximum distance at which they spawn should be reduced a bit, or being out of LOS should negate their ability.

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Or…just get into the habit of killing the Spiteful adds if it happens to overlap with this affix, instead of just ignoring them and running off while the healer looks wistfully at their mana bar.

It’s awful and I haven’t played much this week because of it.

Also, why is this affix on the “second level” of affixes? Why not put it as the last one? No need to make pugging more annoying than it already is…

If you’re having trouble with incorporeal, it’s a skill issue for the group. Dead simple affix.

Not getting into keys because of your class is an affix hunters have played with most of this season. A class being less desirable for one week does not make it a bad affix. The affix needs to have two spawn so it does not solely become the responsibility of the healer. It is pretty simple to pickup 1 additional person who can help manage the add.

IMO the affix is fine but could use a few small tweaks.
Spiteful made it more difficult to trap in crowds or just set in and forget it.
The range they spawn needs to shrink a bit. On more that one occasion they spawned in weird locations due to distance.
Cast time might need to be a bit slower so 1 add can be more easily managed with classes that are limited to interrupts only.

Translation: This affix is bad because I can’t mindlessly turn my brain off and push this affix solely onto tank and/or healers.

Hey, you might have heard of this process of running your own key so you can control your comp. It has only been a thing for 6 years. Go whine somewhere else.

The only issue i have been having with incorporeal is cc assignment. There is always confusion on who gets which when two spawn.

They are the priority. I usually get in groups with a dk or warrior which isnt the end of the world bc between myself the healer and one other dps we have it handled. Only issue is if we all cc the same target. It hasnt happened yet but it may.

If it does its round robin interrupt time i suppose.

That’s why I usually just run over to the one I intend to Shackle so that everyone else can see it and take the other one. But then, it’s easier to do as a healer who doesn’t actually have to face the target of their casts.

Nothing I said had anything to do with spiteful. The specific situation my group had was in Uldaman where an Incorporeal spawned while we were fighting a pack of mobs and it was about 40 yards behind us and around 2 corners from where we were fighting. Just seemed odd to us that one could spawn that far away, and that far out of LOS, but we still had to get someone to run back to it for cc because being out of LOS doesn’t block their ability.

“yOU hAvE StORMboLt”

I have gotten real sick of hearing people tell me this. Warriors and DKs CANNOT pug on Incorporeal weeks. Especailly with Spiteful Shades already being way worse for Melee. It’s awful.

Hey everybody, in a couple hours we probably get to start this conversation all over again with afflicted.

Warriors cant cleanse anything either

Will depend where they spawn to be honest. I already hate having to chase DPS around…If I have to chase after a spawn on the other side of the boss and 40 yards away i would rage.

Only problems I have had with incorporeal is when they spawn in obscure locations or when the party stacks CCs on them, but the latter issue is easily rectified with simple communication.

Believe it or not, there was a time, many years ago, where hard CCs were expected to be placed on mobs during dungeons. You may scoff at this in the present, where hindsight is king, but this was back when everyone was playing on crappy Windows XP computers and we only had Thottbot and Allakhazam.

I would take Incorporeal over Thundering any day of the week.