Incorporeal Affix in M+ Feedback and it needs to be removed

You outplay it by using cc….that is the whole point of the affix.

Warrior: interrupt, storm bolt, shout
DK: Interrupt, asphyxiate

There’s counterplay until someone else can cc

I’m waiting til the afflicted complaints even though that is also super simple

You’re aware that if tanks are casting they can get crit right? Which is a no-no for any tank player out there.

It’s not a bad affix. If anything I did find it fun because it makes people think about how to build their class. I do feel bad for the warr and dk. They did a hotfix that they revert (which I hope they kept) which control undead and shattering throw was useable

They can’t get crit, they just can’t block/dodge/parry still not good, but not as bad as being crit

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Like many others have state already, the only issues with incorp are:

Spawns too far away or out of line of sight (in the water in NL, in the buildings in freehold, 80 miles from the bosses in halls, etc)

They should despawn when hit by a hard cc.

They should be susceptible to spell lockout from interrupts.

They should always spawn in pairs close together but not overlapping each other. There should be a consistent difficulty to the affix, the random element should be the timing.

The spawn rate should be random enough that it cannot be tracked with a weakaura.

That would just make it annoying, it’s already fine as it is, it’s every 45 seconds 0-2 spawn, there’s nothing wrong with the spawn amount or timing, the only issue is the distance at times.

Though most LoS places they can’t hit you, you can LoS the cast actually, some of the buggy spots just need fixing.

And i don’t agree they should go away, the point of them sticking around is so you can’t just toss a sheep and sheep from the same person to get them gone, you need 2 separate cc’s

I actually agree with the last part, I just dont notice much since I usually control both with repent and turn evil anyway and would prefer the screen bloat be lessened. But you’re right this would make it way too easy for a high haste class to easily clean them all solo.

But I still think wow has become far too formulaic and regimented with timers and weakauras for my liking. I would rather not have to track incorp spawn potential timers on top of everything else.

This is the only complaint I have with the affix. Just make it spawn on the group in general and be over it. I’ve had 2 NL brick because Incorp loves spawning underwater 40 yards away from the first boss and adds and no one sees it.

Tracking really doesn’t help much now that I think about it.

It can go full 5 minutes without spawning. I actually deleted my WA because it was basically useless lol.

It is funny when I see them as a tank and everybody else just ignores the big ghost behind them.

Tbh that’s why I prefer playing my VDH over other tanks right now this week. Having an out to the affix helps because you can never trust PUGs.

Turn Evil/Hibernate should get some cost to them for tank specs to make them instant cast similar to their brez. Casting a spell (even if it is only 1 second) can easily get you killed when your mitigation goes straight to 0 and you also suffer spell pushback.

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As a hunter I don’t find it to be too troublesome except in the event when one spawns in the middle of a group. Then my trap is basically useless. I don’t particularly mind this affix, but paired with spiteful I’ve been essentially boycotting anything over a 13 this week.

The only real change I want to see done to the adds is for them to invisibly pick a player or different players if you get 2 and spawn within 10 yards of that player and in LOS of that player when they were picked. This guarantees the adds never spawn too far away from the group and prevents weird LOS situations (mostly I seen in freehold).

Quite over hearing warriors and DKs cry about it. Guess what dummies? You ain’t gonna be hot stuff on the dispel week either. This affix is completely fair. You never have more than 2 and they are more than obvious when they are spawning and in a pinch, you can interrupt the cast and follow it up with a stun near the end of the cast times to buy time for someone else to help with it (either via another well timed interrupt or an actual CC). Even as a DK tank, I 've contributed in every dungeon I’ve been in to timely stopping a missed one long enough for someone to deal with it.

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4second is enough time for a hard ccer to get outah the fire to cast, rather than being nuked teying to cast.

Scare Beast! :scream:

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What’s funny is DKs have the same issue as warriors in being not able to handle Incorporal but every thread is warriors complaining.

I dunno about DPS warriors that aren’t trying to tank, but blood DKs are a more desirable tank at the moment so they have an easier option.

In the 20 range, the pug scene is exceptionally bad for warriors based on my combined ~5 hours this reset attempting to get in to groups (2 of which happened on Tuesday and the next one, the third, only just happened today). It doesn’t matter if I queue as tank or not; people have settled on warriors being bottom priority invite this week.

I tried pushing my own key, but it seems I am a magnet for people who die to the frontal from the first boss in HOI after failing 3 successive runs on my key. I could have done something else to try and re-roll it but it was icing on the cake for how this week has gone. By far the worst pug experience I’ve had since BFA when DPS warriors were an actual liability due to poor survivability.

Incorp is fine. Spiteful is what needed deleted.

That is something players have entirely done to themselves. You dont need the spawn potential timers to play efficiently.

Incorp is actually a lot more lenient than quaking in that sense as well.

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Spiteful just shouldn’t count as combat. That way they don’t trigger / delay incorp or slow runs down by preventing mounting / healer drinking.

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