Incorporeal Affix in M+ Feedback and it needs to be removed

All pve mobs don’t lock out. It’s not different

The thought behind it was you should use CC. Whether its a stun or something with a longer duration if you dont wanna constantly monitor the cast bar. You guys are overthinking this affix

They are. You need 3 interrupts total. I do agree the effect of a cast going off should be reduced tho. 33% less damage and healing per cast is detrimental enough.

This affix is way easier than explosive. You only need 2 non-idiots in your party who have CC and it makes it such a nothing-burger. Healer friend and I pug’d a bunch of low teen runs with rando’s out of LFD this week to try to get some more upgrade currency and we even had a double DK party and it was still a non-problem. We did have a few hairy moments during some wacky stuff going wrong with pugs but it still never went off.

With a weakaura you can keep an eye on when it’s going to happen again. There’s one that will also auto-mark them so you can say “I have X” or “I have square” if you’re on Discord coms.

It’s bad design on Blizz’s part that the mechanic is harder to deal with when you aren’t using Plater or WeakAuras but well… those resources are free so go find them and use them.

I was having an issue with a scare beast one earlier. Can’t say for sure if I just wrote it wrong (been awhile since I’ve used a mouse over macro) but they could have made it like explosive to prevent ease of use.

Isnt the m+ game play to deal with affixes??


Thus why it is a bad affix and should never went live. In fact blizzard should delete all affix and make dungeon fun again.

Is not fun playing the affix in keys especially when there are so many things to dodge in M+.

I dont think it needs to be removed, just not something that will keep you in combat like spiteful, or having spiteful mobs proc it making you waste CC’s/int’s for the next pack.

Legitimately though, I just find affixes a combination of how they take away from the fun of running dungeons. If the game gets less fun, people stop caring and stop playing. My whole guild just quit cold turkey after getting AotC in season 1. Let me just say it’s been a rather lonely 4 months since then. Finding a new guild is out of the question for me: we are lifelong friends here and the “prestige” of clearing mythic raid and going way high in rio honestly means nothing to me. I just want a game that is fun to play with friends.

In the grand scheme of things, few people in the population of WoW actually care about succeeding in high keys because of how BS the affixes provide. The dungeon enemies and bosses provide enough challenge and headache by themselves - why continue to add even more curveballs that you may or may not have an answer off cooldown to deal with? Some weeks barely add any mechanics - surprise, surprise that they are called push weeks. The more egregious combinations are dead weeks. You could ram your head into dead weeks or just not play and wait for the combo to be less so - that is not a wrong way to play the game. Affixes as a whole are not fun to deal with (unless they are kiss/curse).

Of the 40k concurrent Twitch viewership daily this game gets, 35k people are watching hardcore classic. Maybe 1-2k actually bother watching someone push high keys. The MDI is honestly boring to watch and its abysmal viewership really shows. People know what they find fun to watch and experience. M+ isn’t it.

spiteful is the last real “problem” affix remaining honestly, it sucks as a healer and when i play rogue or feral

We’d just burn out, there’d be no change week to week

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Problem with WATCHING m+ runs is, its all the same. The HC runs are entirely different and new. Of 100 HC runs streaming today, how many are going to be the same? Of 100 m+ runs streaming today, how many are going to be the same?

People enjoy m+, some just want the gear rewards while having a heroic dungeon target dummy training spam fest

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I and most people legitimately wouldn’t care. Artifical mechanics thrown in without regards to dungeon design do not make it good. Example: all the quaking interactions that had to be patched out because there was literally no way to counter it if a boss does a full party pull and it goes off right then. No one is saying “Wow, what a thoughtful an interesting game design” if an affix overlaps with a dungeon encounter that results in a wipe. People are saying “That’s @#$%ing bull@#$%!”

Which is why they removed quacking and hopefully never bring anything like thundering back.

Affixes make the week to week more interesting. I’d just remove tyrannical and fortified and change out spiteful for something else

Seeing your attitude I assume the affix isn’t your problem it’s you.

Affixes often have classes who are less capable of dealing w them. As a mage volcanic was horrible as any instant cast was a severe dps loss. You could always run your own key.

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Incorporeal is trivially easy. The only problem is it cannot be disabled by all classes. That needs fixing, but otherwise it’s probably the most fair / easy affix out there. Takes 1 mouseover macro. If you can’t handle it, well, that’s a skill issue not a design issue.

Paladins and warlocks can basically solo the affix, and almost every other class has at least 1 way to deal with them, in most of my group it was just 2 people dealing with them for the whole run anyway.

You don’t need 5 people with cc to deal with it.

I mean, every class can’t deal with every affix.

Volcanic - only ranged even need to deal with it
Entangling - easier on certain classes than others
Storming - only melee really need to deal with it, DKs can basically negate it for everyone
Afflicted - rogues, hunters, dks, warriors, maybe a few others, can’t do anything about it

Raging - only a couple classes can do anything about it
spiteful - adversely affects stealth classes more than others
Bolstering - everyone affix really
bursting - mostly on the healers, makes priests really good
sanguine - if you have slows that just happen, no one wants you (sorry frost mages), really makes DKs shine

It’s not busted or anything. It’s just really anti fun because it takes you out of the fight like Draxis mentioned earlier. That’s kind of vague but I think you know what we mean.

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In every one of those cases there is some sort of counterplay or the damage is minimal.

Incorporeal is a hard stop; if you cannot CC it then there is no counterplay. If they reduced the range significantly or increased the cast delay to 15 seconds then sure.

I don’t expect affixes to be even but everything should be something you can outplay.

But mah dps! No time to cc! GOTTA SMASH PUNY TRASH MOBS! :rock: :hammer: