Incorporeal Affix in M+ Feedback and it needs to be removed

It sucks cuz it’s an affix I have basically 0 control over

Just gotta sit there and pray the DPS, who never would do explosives or any other affix, will actually do this

And they usually don’t, so many dead keys cuz mobs just free casting

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When you pug and have a DK or warrior, or both, or players who simply refuse to do mechanics, yeh sometimes you need to do it all yourself.

In that UR where I died on the first boss doing the incorp, we made it to the third boss where one of the DPS stood there like a tree trunk, did not do upheavel and the tank was aiming the frontal into the group and not at the shrooms.

So yeh, it can get pretty bad in some groups when people know their head from their bum.

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That’s a player problem then, not an affix problem.

It’s already a very easy affix, we don’t need everything dumbed down so much that people don’t ever need to deal with anything.

You’ll know by the first boss if people are dealing with the affix, if not, leave


And if it was not also partly an affix problem we would not be having the issue where players are talking about not taking warriors or DK’s because they cannot do the affix, and if it was not partly an affix issue I would not have to rush over to one that spawned on the other side of the boss fight and die while trying to do affixes.

It’s partly a player issue, but you cannot argue that unless everyone in your group is on board and does their part, it’s becomes an affix issue.

Never in the past have we had an issue like this, especially not when you take into account that you need to talent 1-2 talents specifically for this affix, which means taking away some DPS or survivability just to do one of the lower affixes.

Theyre exaggerating as well. You can take a warrior or dk. You only need 3 people at most to be able to take care of the affixe in 99% of situations. In the 1% chance thats not enough, warrior and dk stuns will help. Its not like they can do nothing.

Right because that never happened with explosive. Or necrotic. Or literally any other affixe

Talenting to deal with an affix is new and something that should happen, it changes things up week to week

You just didn’t need to deal with explosive much, as a healer, explosive weeks were the most stressful and unfun weeks ever, now that everything isn’t on us finally people will start to learn.


The difference here is that if no one does the affix, or if only one person is doing it, the cast that goes of has a much higher chance of killing you, and if for whatever reason 2 casts go off, you are basically dead, you cannot pop any emergency anything because by than you will have a -100% damage and healing debuff.

Same issue, to a lesser extent because a missed explosive that did not outright kill your group could be recovered from, but also because of the many complaints of how bad explosives was and how bad the general community was at doing them, along with many, many players yelling at healers for letting explosives go off, they decided it was best to remove them.

This affix is worse.

This affix happens maybe 10-20 times in the WHOLE dungeon, we were killing 200+ explosives

It’ll take some time for pugs to learn, but they will, it’s a very easy and imo good, affix

I will say that they need to spawn closer to the group. Bricked an 18 Halls of Infusion because we were on the Night Elf primalist boss and Incorporeal spawned on the other side of the room during Hailstorm. Literally nothing we could do.

Move to stop cast? Dead to Hailstorm. Let two casts go off during Hailstorm? Dead because our healer can’t heal us through the damage of the fight.


Yea, the spawn range is a bit whack

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We do play the same game right? Players are still struggling with basics like “It’s not the DPS job to interrupt” and “Why should I use a defensive, that’s a healer problem” and those are not seasonal issues.

The difference with explosives is that a tank could one shot them with a basic attack, I could mouseover them with my druids moonfire, or use sunfire in balance spec and not only kill an explosive, but reapply my dot to the enemies that explosives spawned next to.

I could aim at an explosive and multishot it with my hunter and kill not only an explosive, but also do AOE damage, apply beast cleave or trick shots and still mostly get my DPS rotation in without missing a beat.

And when I was playing on my hunter I would not only get somwhere in the range of 80% of explosives done myself, but also still top the DPS.

Explosives was so, so much easier than incorporeal.

Because you weren’t the healer trying to deal with all 200+ of them.

I’ve pugged a lot this week, told people how they worked, and bam, never had an issue. Difference probably is I pug through M+ communities, not the LFG tool, but the communities are open to anyone.

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And did 200+ explosives spawn all at once all the time? No, aside from some bvugged enemies you dealth with 3-4 explosives at once at most. And if your tank was pulling that big that it made explosives and issue for a single person than you were a premade and it was never even an issue.

During BFA I done done dungeons as tank, heals and DPS so yes, I dealt with them every week in every role, I know how they work.

Haha, you never pulled big then did you?

This affix is SUPER easy unless they spawn weird which can be fixed.

I’ll take 1-2 spawns that often don’t spawn for MINUTES over explosive

You guys love misquoting people just so you can ‘win’ an argument don’t you? Did you just stop reading at that point or are you trying to sound right so you don’t feel stupid?

There’s nothing to “win” it is objectively a more manageable affix, every class can help with it, even if they can’t all negate it.

Let’s look at the “issue” you had.

If you had to move someone couldn’t have hit with a ranged interrupt, or you could have hoj’d it.

Mechanic is mostly fine. However interrupts should truly interrupt and lock out as opposed to resetting the cast bar. I’m not sure what the thought behind that was but it was clear they gave these incorporeals the special ability to avoid interrupts.

Given the extreme impact (50% affected DPS and HPS) of a single cast going off interrupt chains should be a viable answer.


And this is an example of feedback that needs to be ignored. He’ll cry later saying they don’t listen to feedback as if this is constructive

Eh, the point is to have you use abilities you don’t normally use