Inconsistent access to best gear

Not at the moment.

Well, i mean, i play, casually. I see a lot of others logging into korthia daily.

It seems you are having a really bad time here.

Get along with some people of play some single player RPG. I honestly dont believe that you played non stop since 2006 without doing groups.

But whatever XD

I’ve always played with groups in primarily queueable content, outside of my raid group. There’s no value there right now, even on alts, because nothing competes with Korthia’s initial reward structure outside of this content.

Game’s empty of interesting things to do to progress your character in any way outside of this little zone, and that goes beyond gear.

I’ve been playing since 2005, primarily solo when I log in. I count LFR/LFG as solo content, because I don’t actually have to invest time in forming groups, or set aside a schedule that works with multiple people.

At least your words, gear and score are in the same page. I can totally see how someone like you would say that.

I have full respects for roleplayers, but to take their opinion in matters they dont participate and obviously dont know is not something I wanna delve into.

That’s you and the content that you do, you can’t speak for everyone

No…I actually do.

You do not need top-end gear to complete mid-level content.

So you want to tell me what’s going on or ???

That’s when role-playing games started, with the ‘white book’ in 1974.

The creators of the genre wrote extensively on adventure design for years. WoW doesn’t operate on some new paradigm, it’s continuing essential RPG principles that have been in place since the beginning.

I play 40+ hours a week and try to avoid Raid, M+ and Arena.

Sometimes ill do LFR or a M+ with a guildy but really hate them and they are pretty painful.

Only thing thats painful is the fact you play this game 40 plus hours a week and are still complete trash at it, thats rough man I’m real sorry blizzard took away your chance for the best gear in the game from tracing shapes for turtles :turtle:

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Wows end game is terrible and needs a complete re vamp. Too much over reliance on instances and not enough focus on the world content. Old zones need to stay relevant at all times also. Other mmo’s do this already. You should be able to gear a level 60 in Northrend world content if that’s where you wanna play. Having a handful of dungeons and one raid be the only way to get current gear in a game with over 15 years of content is bad game design.

Valor is in the game lol. Its much better this season. With the vault rewards it actually works our well.

I mean its been that way for 16 years.

You can get gear through pvp, you can get gear in dungeons and raids. I’m sorry that WQ killing boards does not give you 252 gear.

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