Inconsistent access to best gear

I am basically a solo player, because the guilds I join always go belly up shortly after, and I am not fond of LFG/LFR due to the toxicity I have encountered. As a result, I have always been pissed that you can’t get the best gear unless you raid, or worse, PvP. Whenever I mention that fact, the answer I always get is “If you don’t raid, you don’t need the best gear”. Well, I’m here to officially call BS on that. Seems that the opposite faction can now steal away the mobs you are fighting if , I guess, they are more powerful than you? I just spent an inordinate amount of time trying to complete a World Quest - where you have to fight mobs in an area until you kill enough of them to complete the quest. OMG. I kept tagging and fighting mobs repeatedly, only to have the Horde (I’m Alliance) swoop in and take them all away, and get the credit for killing them! Not crazy about the cost of repairs either, with nothing to show for it. Does Blizz actually think this is fair? If gear were based on how much you actually play and do in game, instead of specifically ‘what’ you play (raids, dungeons, PvP), I, and others like me, would have more of a fighting chance to get ahead. Is that too much to ask? Don’t want to be a Karen, but I love this game and feel like I’m being punished for not liking certain aspects of it. I know it’s a MMO, but I’m sure there must be a legion of other solo players as well. If we were to all rage/quit this game at once, maybe someone would finally sit up and take notice. I’m not one to cut off my own nose to spite my face, but this latest slap in the face of non-raiders is starting to be too much. I pay just as much as everyone else who plays this game, and feel I should have some way of obtaining the best gear without being forced to do content I really don’t like. Sometimes I think it would be nice to have different modes of difficulty you could choose from. Elite mode, Average Joe mode, God mode, etc.


The solution to badly-designed content is not more gear. It’s for them to make content that encourages community rather than players fighting to steal each others’ mobs.


Ive had mobs down to about 10% and a hordie come in and one shot it, and get the credit while i got no loot or credit.


Oh no…Best gear in the game is behind the hardest group content in an MMO game? Dang.


Raiding is not the hardest content. Soloing is harder because youre alone.


Yeah. Mythic sylvana is easier than Race Cart WQ in Revendreth. Tell me about it.

Unless you mean solo’ing Sylvanas on Mythic is harder… Then yeah. It defo is.


It is to me, that race cart one is buggy as heck

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You defo need best gear for that WQ.


You know it. I do. Because them walls aint gonna crash down if im in greens!

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Gear is a means to an end.

And a bad player with BiS gear is still a bad player.

Where gear comes from and who gets it does not matter.


I’ve never heard of that. Unless you’re dying, at which point your tag of the mob ends and whoever gets the kill gets the credit.


I dont see the problem everyone says wow was better when it wasnt open tag you actually had to be in group to get credit with own faction. Heck you can get resources along with horde member fighting over them.

It means they taunted or tagged the mob before you touched it. There are also faction tag limits to mobs outside of raids. Sometimes your client will lie and think you got the tag, then the server corrects it and it goes grey.

Back in the day, you had to sometimes wait months and months sometimes for even single raid gear upgrades. Do you really want to go back to those days?

If you’re casual and don’t want to even do LFR/M+, then you don’t need the gear anyways. You can gear up in PvP, if you have the patience, but don’t expect to be gear capped in a week. It’s going to take you most of the patch to do so, in order to make it fair and for raiders to not feel like they have to PvP to gear up quicker.


well thats the wrong argument


If you don’t raid, you don’t deserve the best gear.

There you go.


You are SOOOOOOOOOOOOO wrong lmao

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No. You have the tag, then players who outnumber you do more damage and win the tag from you.

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Stop trying to tag things with Moonfire or Sunfire.

There’s nothing to call BS on. You have a solo gearing path that’ll get you into full 233 ilevel eventually and you can be in 220 now.

As a complete solo player myself, I’ve got everything except a trinket and a ring that are Korthia gear.

Group content is always harder than solo content, if all else equals. Because you have logistics, social aspect, stress etc. So that’s why group content always pulls ahead in rewards. It’s also very important in MMORPG to have a good sense of relative player power, because “being stronger than anyone else” is the main driving factor. Remove other players from WoW, and those item levels lose any meaning.

I’m a chronic solo player, and even I always have this little hope in the back of my head that if I put my item level high enough, I’ll stand out more in group environments. Because that’s the ultimate goal of MMORPG. If solo content gave mythic raid gear, I’d be happy at first, but then I would realize that item levels just lost any meaning.

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You don’t do real content. Do you deserve to eat? By your own definition, no.

There is. But you are not playing it right.

Here’s the difficulty:

  1. Solo - easiest
  2. 5-man Normal, Heroic or Mythic 0 Dungeon
  3. Mythic+ or Normal/Heroic Raid
  4. Mythic Raid

If you want better gear, you group up and do dungeons. There’s no solo progression. Welfare Epic system is not solo progression… it’s more of a catch up system. Korthia has it.