True, in fact there are 3 ways.
They need it so they can do their WQ’s and callings FASTER!
Don’t you know anything?!
Why are you playing an MMO if you so strongly dislike the Massive and Multiplayer of the acronym?
Seems you came to a party but are disgusted that there’s other people here and you need some of them to do some things.
But please clarify me this: why you need the best gear? That gear is commonly used to do difficult content that is actually done in groups, which you dislike
You need to rethink why you are here, and probably leave because it’s an oxymoron to want to play and MMO without other people. or you can do it, but at the lowest level, which is basically doing World Quests.
Have fun killing 10 spiders in Revendreth.
Actually there is 100% assurance of equal opportunity. There is just no assurance of equal outcome. They have the opportunity to get the gear. They choose not to.
Mmm see the thing is tho, the gear level has no effect on world content, the op faction can only steal a tag if you die/run away from the mob. You can also lose tags to your own faction if they are in a 5 man or 2x4 man farming group and have tagged the mobs as mobs only have so many ‘tag slots’
The best gear doesnt just come from raids. The best raiding gear comes from raids, thats where you get the majority of domination pieces for example. Something that wont be of any use to you if your not raiding. Great gear comes from Mythic +, thats a small 5 man group that tackles challenge mode content. You can also get gear from completing both these end game content via the weekly vault.
The gear you get from raiding and mythic + tho is the reward for doing that content. It might make me sound elitist but honestly, if your not willing to do that content, then you don’t need the associated gear that comes with it. World content can literally be steamrolled with greens and blue basic dungeon gear. So this seems like more of a you problem than anything that needs to be changed. Blizz added LFR so the casual player can have a basic access to gear upgrades. Anything else, well, takes playing the game and being good at your class/spec.
Umm your a hunter, we are literally one of the classes that have world content the easiest. Thats a knowing how to play your class issue.
This is not a thing.
Thats literally not possible, if you had the mob tagged the opposite faction can not steal ur tag unless you die , you’re spare parts bud
there is 3 people in this thread saying the same thing, I wouldn’t have thought possible either but bugs in the game aren’t unheard of.
Bugs are 100% possible and I should give them the benefit but the people saying this also think solo content is harder than raiding so its also possible the people saying this might be spare parts
I have never seen this happen. Gear should not be a factor in mob tagging.
Also, paragraphs are your friend.
People talking about “deserving” stuff in a video game meant for fun are disgusting. Absolutely nasty.
You’re the one who made the real life analogy between not being able to eat food and getting gear in a video game. lol
Not true
I played that crap when it was live.
This might come as a shock to you, but it happens to well geared raiders/pvp too.
Sometimes the phase just gets out of balance.
Have there not been times where someone on alliance pulls a bunch of mobs to AOE them down and you can starfall it to reap the same benefit?
You don’t need raid gear to be able to aoe down multiple trash mobs. It’s easy enough to get 200+ ilvl without ever setting foot in a single dungeon or raid.
Actually thats a great idea.
You can m+, raid or pvp. Choose one or accept you are never getting the best gear
You dont deserve the best gear from easy content though. This is coming from someone who will only get aotc and KSM. I will never step foot in a mythic raid.
Hey, you can’t all quit together if you’re solo players…
So that you can do harder versions of it?
Go play a different game. My other quote responses here are jokes to be taken lightly, but I mean this one. I’ve done the same, and am only on this forum atm out of curiosity.