Incentives to pick an alliance Alt

they ahve the soul of a gnome put inside of it, so they act and speak like a gnome but they are 100% emchanical

oh thats fair

I’m not saying this would solve a problem that been going on for years, but it would help, say if only 5% went back to Alliance considering the population in WoW, it’s still a considerable amount.

I have no ties to the horde, I play here cause I like the aesthetics, would I go Alliance for those races I mentioned, yes, in a heartbeat, and would race change most my toons.

As of now I see horde as a rag tag group of misfits, from all walks of life… Alliance is just so plain and boring.

so a large reason undead arnt played is the bones sticking out and the fact that you cant use certain cosmetic outfits with them like you can other races.
with the changes the bones are gone and they dcan use the same cosmetics, and theres new less dead faces coming and new hairstyles. so yea i think its gonna make a huge impact

sethrak would be a horde or a nuetral race, i want them as a nuetral race though

no incentive, less people are creating character in the alliance do to multiple factors,
1 pvp, horde win WAY more
2 when you have a bigger pull of people is easier to find people to raid and do quests.

maybe an incentive you like the models of the characters you will be playing?

Regardless, but should be in game, but what I’m getting at is Alliance needs more Flavour…

Honestly I think the old Shaman/Paladin faction restriction was the best way. I don’t know how they could possibly do it now.

I would agree Boralus is the better of the two city designs


Dwarves. THE foundation behind the entire fantasy genre.

Theirs always a niche group that will play a race, but to me and most the people I play with, Alliance is just boring…

We don’t play meta races and still get cutting-edge, yes later then most guilds, but we even get ex Alliance players because they dont like the Aesthetics, we got a lot who went Zandalari and Vulpera.

Void Elves, huge miss to finally get the most requested race in game, Kul’tirans and Mechagnomes should of been customisations, and have 2 more better races?, anokoan use the night elf rig? Like theirs so much better they could have done.

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added bonus? access to goldshire.

have you never tried a kaldorei gnome kebob? it’s a remarkable piece of culinary science!

Which is great!, but that’s not gonna help people sway over.

the moment you taste our kebobs you’re gonna be begging in the streets of Stormwind!

That presents itself as information at the character select screen? No idea besides racial buffs but that’s not gonna happen.

A new player at the character select screen is only going to have a bare minimum of knowledge about the game and will likely just base their choice on looks + whatever info is sitting there.

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There shouldn’t be incentives to push people to play one side or another.

HOnestly they should just dissolve the faction (In gameplay functionality) and simply let everyone fight and raid together. Only time it should really matter is PvP.

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I was actually about to say this (dissolving factions). Even still PvP shouldnt change much either. Arena can already fight their own faction. Would it really be that hard to lump any X vs X in any BG?

Arnt we friends anyways?, Anduin even gave Saurfang his sword to fight Sylvanus… and basically shadowlands is both factions going after one person…

Theirs no need for faction segregation anymore.

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If Blizz ever does xfaction BGs I’d want to be there just to see the “trash alliance”/“trash horde” toxicity :slight_smile: