Incentives to pick an alliance Alt

Blizz looks like people are playing less Alliance characters these days.

Now I know that haveing WM on gives extra reward but it’s not enough.

You need to get them at the character select screen.

So what as an added bonus if you go Alliance should be offered?

Horde playing alts on the Alliance isn’t what they need.


There needs to be a reason to play alliance mains


There were already a ton of us playing Ally alts when the bumblebee mount was released.

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I’m playing 2 new Alliance alts this year and plan to add a Kul Tiran during SL.

Boralus is pretty nice.

Alts won’t fix the Alliance’s dying raiding scene.


There’s plenty of reasons to play Alliance!

  • Special Alliance only versions of quests.
  • Special Alliance only transmogs.
  • Special Alliance only patterns.
  • Special Alliance only pets.
  • Special Alliance only mounts. (All the horses you could ever want!)
  • Extra challenging bgs, with near instant queue times!
  • Extra challenging raids.
  • Classic race options, including humans, elves, dwarves and even androids!
  • Overpowered racial abilities.
  • Character models that can stand upright.
  • Frequent opportunities to use the opposing faction’s leader as a loot pinata.
  • Great city layouts and aesthetics.

See, there’s plenty of reasons to play Alliance. You just gotta look past the QQ that GD is known for. I’m sure we can add some more great reasons too.


The only thing that will make people “switch” back to Alliance, is if Method or Limit race change. Everyone thinks they are pros, and follow METAS way too much, without thinking for themselves.

People are already cemented on the belief that Horde is better, even though in terms of racials it really isn’t. That idea is VERY hard if not impossible at this point to correct.

In order to achieve “balance”, the amount of guilds you’d need switching is so high, that it is very near impossible it will ever happen.


Blizzard should allow cross faction grouping. It’s already in the lore that we are friends now (lol) so people wouldn’t be so swayed to just jump on the bandwagon.


The only thing that would get people to switch back to maining Alliance is if they could raid effectively as Alliance. The lack of a strong Alliance raid community has been the main excuse used for years now. The only way they can fix that is if raids can be run cross-faction. Preferably within a cross-faction guild. Best of all if the cross-faction guild was cross-realm as well.

Even then, a lot of people won’t see a need to switch back, since then it’s just a cosmetic issue of which faction you like more, and Blizzard would still charge you for the race/faction change.


You can navigate in Stormwind, or even the Exodar.

Not so much in Ogrimmar, and as for Undercity… gah.

The answer to the faction problem is to add 10 more factions.

Lumping everyone into just two is asking too much of racial leaders. I mean what’s holding the NEs to SW now? What’s keeping the forsaken in check? We DKs have lost our leader. What’s the point of Illidari without Sargeras.

Maybe these covenants will give us a fresh new beginning. I mean, I love the old Orc vs. Human story, but in all honesty the Lich King, Deathwing, Sargeras, Guldan, and N’zoth have continously pulled us together to stop “faction war” long enough to cross our ghostbuster beams and zap Vigo 8.0 back to Hades.


Some sort of story, anything. Instead of us good, nothing bad or interesting happens.

That’s my point. This happened because the top guilds switched a long time ago for a 1% increase to world race. Everyone took it as “OH WE ALL GOTTA SWITCH HORDE IS BETTERZ” and that spread like wildfire. In a few years it decimated the entire Alliance Raiding community. Never recovered even though, like I mentioned… right now there is zero gain from either side.

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Ion said population-wise its pretty balanced. Instead of trying to tune the balance around the top 1%, Alliance should push their roleplay identity.

On the flip side you have me who has never gotten around to playing a Horde alt past Lv. 15. I’m waiting until SL so I can level through content and get the full story of each expac as I build up a few Horde alts.

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Imagine if they removed mercenary mode and let the overbloated disgusting faction wallow with giant QUES

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I don’t know that it would be so easily visible. Despite what Blizzard continues to claim, there is still such a thing as Battlegroups, or some form of it. So only some groups of servers would get the long queues.

I know everyone hates when I say it, but you simply are never paired with more than a specific cluster of servers. That’s pretty much the same thing that happened with battlegroups.

They need to stop incentivizing horde players to turn on War Mode for extra bonus rewards and Call To Arms quests.

Every week it’s a Call to Arms: Uldum, so naturally, I see a horde group spawn camping alliance players where they spawn in Uldum. New player spanws, 5 horde players gank them while they are still on the loading screen, then they just run 40 feet over to Zidormi and phase out of the zone into old Uldum, instantly drop all aggro, and phase back in with Zidormi again.

Easy solutions:

  1. No more War Mode bonus for Horde players when they are outnumbering alliance players 3 or 4:1 like this.

  2. No more lying to alliance players about their rewards. I think they fixed this but War Mode used to go above 25% for alliance players but the actually coding in the buff had everything capped at 25%. Couple this with the fact that every horde player gets a base War Mode bonus of 10% no matter what and you really do see just how bull this incentive system is for alliance players.

Example: a quest with a reward of 200 gold gives horde players an extra 20 gold, and alliance players an extra 50 gold.

As an alliance player, do you really think it’s worth spending all that extra time getting spawn camped, ganked, and having your rares stolen by horde premades that wait for you to get it low then gank you and take the kill credit?

is the extra 30 gold really worth it? Cause Horde players get to do what they always do, but they also get to farm alliance players for free honor and get an extra 10% on everything in world content, essentially just free of charge.

The only week were war mode looked completely even to me, was the one week were they let alliance players get a piece of heroic loot for Against Overwhelming Odds. But the horde players were so cringy and pathetic about that and the tryhards started rerolling as alliance so they could get an advantage for mythic world first raids, that it was scrapped (thanks again tryhards, that’s AOO, mechagnome racials, and timer-free torghast that have all been scrapped thanks to tryhards being tryhards).

Just get rid of war mode or get rid of the horde rewards for war mode because theres no reason why horde players should still be spawn camping alliance players like this two years later. Two whole years of spawn camping, from Nazmir, to the alliance flight points that never defend alliance players, now Uldum. Same old same old and they will not stop pandering to horde players.

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