Incentives to pick an alliance Alt

yes, more elves! more elves will fix it!

hey guess what everyone next update horde get sethrak and the alliance gets wood gnomes

Let me just say though… the imbalance is only going to get worse.

Hidding bones from Forsaken?
New eyes and new Emo haircuts?
No queen?

Forsaken population blowing up in SL. Just watch!


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next update. so alliance i hear you gys love gnoimes so now we bring you sand gnomes, oh and the hoirde get the tuskarr

Yeh, but it has to be in the char selection screen. The Horde, at this point, has everything cool. Anything that could have been cool alliance side is made deliberately inferior (less class selections, less customization; omg lightforged why?!) or outright lame (kul-tirans, mechagnomes). The only time they seem to have remembered “rule of cool” was dark iron dwarves of late, and predictably, they were a hit.

Dear Blizzard, remember you once came from Warhammer. Remember why Warhammer makes money. Give us COOL. Give us AWESOME. Thank you.

Am I the only one that doesn’t play Alliance cause they just so bland?..Horde races are all so different from eachother…

Alliance literally if you squint all look the same, they need variety, they need unique races, Kul’tirans and Mechagnomes were the last nail in the coffin for me…

Give them some spice in choices!

I know many , now ex alliance players, strictly went horde because Zandalari and Vulpera…

How on earth did they think Kul’tirans and Mechagnomes were wise choices for Alliance is beyond me, theirs a reason they the least played allied race.

the vulpera customization is massive for just haveing the base customization options

Exactly. Maybe if vulpera were available by that time, such imbalance wouldn’t have happened.

seee diversity. it matters

so you’re saying we need high gnomes and more elves?

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No. We need some bloody rock stars on the Alliance. Give the humans Ozzy and Alice Cooper.

nah, i’m really sold on the high gnomes allied race.

I’m saying Alliance should of got High Elves, the most requested Alliance race since vanilla going 15 years, Tuskarr, Sethrak, Vyrkul… the races the community been asking for.

Why Blizzard continues to ignore the community is beyond me.

I’m not saying this will fix it instantly, but it’s a start.

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They should just combine the factions and make up a new, evil, faction.

Most of my characters are evil in my head canon, anyway.

A common and somewhat valid argument, but given the population distribution among the Horde (which is strongly in favor of elves and other less-monster-like races) I’m not sure how big of a factor this actually is.

Or I can still play and retain a realistic skepticism about a company that has been quite sketchy lately.

we don’t want high elves, we want more gnomes of varying heights and ear lengths.

i am so positive 50% of the entire games population would quit if the released high gnomes lmao

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i fail to see the negative