Incentives to pick an alliance Alt

the moment you taste our kebobs you’re gonna be begging in the streets of Stormwind!

That presents itself as information at the character select screen? No idea besides racial buffs but that’s not gonna happen.

A new player at the character select screen is only going to have a bare minimum of knowledge about the game and will likely just base their choice on looks + whatever info is sitting there.

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There shouldn’t be incentives to push people to play one side or another.

HOnestly they should just dissolve the faction (In gameplay functionality) and simply let everyone fight and raid together. Only time it should really matter is PvP.

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I was actually about to say this (dissolving factions). Even still PvP shouldnt change much either. Arena can already fight their own faction. Would it really be that hard to lump any X vs X in any BG?

Arnt we friends anyways?, Anduin even gave Saurfang his sword to fight Sylvanus… and basically shadowlands is both factions going after one person…

Theirs no need for faction segregation anymore.

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If Blizz ever does xfaction BGs I’d want to be there just to see the “trash alliance”/“trash horde” toxicity :slight_smile:

No, I personally think that the factions hurt the game more than they help.

I’m just pointing out, that realistically the only place it pluasibly matters if PvP, and even then. As you said, the Arena has people fighting their own, faction doesn’t matter.

The depopulation of the Alliance is 100% a monkey see, monkey do problem. Lemmings if you will.

maybe add something like honor levels a bar that fills from doing content as a certain faction, and it gives you rewards for playing one faction a ton

stuff like transmog or glyphs, like maybe when you heroic leap you leave a blue or red shockwave, depending on faction

Obviously Kul Tirans. People aren’t shallow. Never.

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I know! Make Blood Elves cross faction like Pandaren! By golly Anthaniel you’re a genius!

“Pandarans were a mistake.” -Blizzard

Blizzard then proceeds to make Kul-Tirans, Mechagnomes and lose billions of dollars while trying to cover up their mistakes with HitS.

Strictly speaking the Pandarans being cross-faction was deemed the mistake. Not their existence.

There fixed it for you .

Pretty character: BEs, Nightborne, Humans, NEs, VEs, Draenei
Cute character: Vulpera, Draenei?, Pandaren?
Monster character: Orcs, Tauren, Undead, Trolls, Goblins, Worgen, Mechagnomes
Evil character: Orcs, Undead, Goblins, VEs, Dark Iron Dwarves, Lightforged Draenei
Good character: BEs, Tauren, Humans, NEs, Dwarves, Gnomes, Pandaren

Aside from cute characters, Alliance has a perfectly good selection of races. Some of them you have to look past the face to what the race has actually done, otherwise Worgen would be tossed in with the evil group instead of LFD.

  • Notes:
  • Horde races are in italics, Alliance races are in bold.
  • I skipped all the obvious variations for ARs.

Look, there’s a kind of monster people want to play…

And then there’s diapergnome.jpg.

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Ok, let me be more specific, because that’s what a new player is looking for:

Prettiest Character: Blood-Elf - Horde
Most Monster-Like Character: Orc - Horde (debatable but Alliance has only worgen while the Horde has a bunch of them)
Evilest Looking Character: Undead - Horde (new player doesn’t even know what a DI dwarf is)
Most Good aligned Character: Archetypical Human Paladin - Alliance
Cutest character: Vulpera - Horde

People gravitate towards these choices, they don’t look for second places.

Honestly, I don’t find any race ugly except male Draeni and classic female trolls.

Lack of shoes bothers me with some, but I cannot get past the squid goat Davy Jones rejects and them female trolls just :face_vomiting:


I would play female troll if they looked like this for the lols haha

Don’t play Alliance if you’re not doing so specifically to play with friends. Simple as.

EDIT: I guess there’s that sweet sweet void elf ERP too.