Incentives for the Rest of Us

i’ve already told you i’m not going to type hundreds of changes out in these forums to prove i’m right, u could have spot quizzed me but u know you’ll lose so u wont

Then dont make the claim.

I had just one goal for Wrath, accomplish more than I did in 2009-10. Mission accomplished. The ICC buffs only further that, so I welcome them.

u know the claim is correct, that’s why ur dodging

No I dont. You arent presenting the evidence for it.

maybe if u played the game u would know the changes, there’s patch notes every single tier detailing them, maybe u can read up

Its funny that you constantly talk about other people dodging… but here you are dodging.

“unless you list all of the changes the game has ever made u are dodging” lol too bad

You made the claim didnt you? So back it up or just stop with your nonsense that Classic has already been changed so lets just change it some more. Thats a bad outlook on ANYTHING. “Oh damage is done, might as well mess it up some more!”

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ur just admitting it has been changed now, and you are saying blizzard are gonna mess it up more, when originally u told me i was wrong if i disagreed with blizzard :rofl:

kowardly kelliste had a choice to pick any content in the game and he turned it down because he can’t think of a single piece of content that hasn’t been changed instrumentally in this expansion


When did I say it wasnt? You are so bad at this its not even funny anymore.

Where did I say this? Or are you tired of being shown you are wrong and just trying to grasp at anything to try to save some face because your actions are atrocious?

You made the claim of hundreds of significant changes. I can list some significant changes, Titan Rune Dungeons, Ret glyph, feral fixes, Naxx Buff, Ulduar buff, Uld Ilvl buff.

You are on the losing end of this.

i didn’t say hundreds of significant changes, i said hundreds of changes, significant is an opinion and with you, i have to be very careful if i leave any opinions in because u will argue semantics over it for the next 20 posts

No, no, no. It doesn’t count with the buff! That’s just handing you gear for free. Silly scrub. :clown_face:

rent free as they say

If there’s a choice of buff vs no buff, then there needs to actually be an incentive/reward for not using it… else everyone WILL ALWAYS use it.

Thanks captain obvious. We totally needed that pointed out.

oh here’s the gatekeeper asking for hlk nerfs 4 weeks ago, 2 weeks after i killed it, so much for that theory

Hmm, I guess the bosses in ICC kill themselves now. Silly me. :clown_face:

no response to the evidence that i’m not gatekeeping random noobs but infact think that the nerfs are too sudden after accusing me of it for hours? womp womp

There wasn’t before and there won’t be now.