Incentives for the Rest of Us

I’m an old school player who likes a challenge, it’s fun to Prog and getting a buff going forward seems to be a cheat, not that it’s not a good thing, BUT hey Blizz can you Incentivize the Gamer-Ness of “NO BUFF LK KILL”, My idea is a higher if not 100% drop of Mount or + 1 or loot 10 man +3 loot 25 man **IF EVERYONE in raid clicks off the buff. Motivate people to keep to the challenge!!!


Why can’t the challenge for your own personal acknowledgement by the incentive. Challenge yourself bro :slight_smile:


Your motivation if you don’t want the buff is to turn off the buff

If you can’t down LK now before it’s added why do you deserve more stuff for doing it later after it’s added?


If you require additional incentives to increase the challenge how can you claim to be an “old school player who likes a challenge” If that was true you would turn off the buff for no other reason than to make it more challenging.


Just kill heroic 25 LK before december 5th


He says from his lvl 60 sockpuppet.

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Well obviously you have a grasp on the English language, perhaps you don’t read so well though, try again. I like playing without the buff, to motivate more people to do the challenge sometimes it takes incentive, but heh, argue to argue.

how every thread on this forum goes

“i have an opinion on the buff”

noxranna and aedd enter with their 0/12 heroic prog “LMAO DEAL WITH IT BUFF COMING OMG U CAN JUST TURN IT OFF”

around in circles we go, at some point they will realise that you play with 24 other people who all have different opinions and you can’t just “turn it off”, you are arguing with people who prog normal modes for months, the bottom 10% of players basically, they will never see your pov because they will never prog a heroic boss, its like talking politics with your 89 year old relatives


Just play the damn game. :man_facepalming:


If you don’t like the buff then turn it off

If your raid group disagrees then either deal with it, or find another raid group of like-minded people. There’s enough of you complaining around here that you can easily form a raid that way


6/12 heroic prog, you can see this character I’m posting from is still level 70 right? Blizzard had said from the start buff would come around 8 weeks in, and have now confirmed that with a date. Everything else is just people whining.


“just abandon everyone u know and play somewhere else”

ok gramps, why don’t you do the same and get the heroic loot ur craving so badly?

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You do realize YOUR whining isn’t going to change anything right? They’ve confirmed the date and won’t even be back to check on these forums.


Yep. Clearly this is such a hot button issue for you that you disagree so heavily with the rest of your raid

And who said I craved heroic loot? If I wanted heroic loot I’d be in a heroic progression raid team, not a casual dad team

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then why do you need the buff? isn’t everything fine? but here u are in every single thread

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You deserve nothing

You can be like the person who sees a movie opening night. When people talk about it you can say how amazing and important you are for killing it before the buffs. I’m sure they’ll put you on their shoulders and carry you.

I don’t think I’ve ever said I needed the buff?

ok so u dont want the buff? alright, glad we cleared that up

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Buff was in original WotLK and it’s coming again. You should probably just get over it.


it was pretty necessary in original, most players (like 99.9999%of players) couldn’t do heroics, its not necessary 8 weeks into this version, is this really a wild no changes player? holy i thought u guys died out in the 90s