Incentives for the Rest of Us

That you called significant.

Then you need to be even more careful because you have been saying a lot of nonsense all because you want Wrath to change.

i said there was significant changes to each piece of content in this phase, i didn’t say there were hundreds, as i said before u are master of semantics and not much else, u didn’t get to 12k posts by posting useful things that much is obvious

Apparently because people are coming into classic for some reason expecting changes to everything. Its like playing space invaders and then expecting it to come with changes. Its a classic and should be treated as such, you guys dont treat Wrath as a classic and thats the problem (neither has Blizzard).

Phase 4? Which would those be exactly other than a Scourgestone vendor and gamma dungeons?

Yeah I got these 12k posts in the last hour. Thats just how good I am. Now can you get away from the stick waving contest and insults to back up anything you have said?

shadowmourne questline nerfed
guaranteed 5 shadowmourne fragments per week
heroic mode available on day 1
50 attempts on day 1
account wide mounts, pets, complete ui overhaul to the dragonflight client
wild growth became smart (it still sucks dont play druid)
trap launcher

WCL will have its own incentive, don’t you worry.

Not significant given this isnt going to be a 1 year raid tier

Shouldnt have been, but still not significant.

Not significant.

Not significant.

Was in the original so not a change.

Not significant admitted by you.

Not significant and hunters cant be in melee range.

But you said this phase… were you talking about phase 4 or the entirety of classic? Again you should really watch what you type because the context can change yet you keep on doing it.

that’s what i mean by significant, its an opinion, shadowmourne after 6 resets pretty much guaranteed is a massive change especially to balance but again you being the master of semantics, insignificant

hunters literally went to number 1 dps overall from near the bottom with their trap launcher, yeah irrelevant…ofc

like you considered gamma dungeons and the scourgestone vendors to be significant (and as such you excluded them from my reply) but a 6 week shadowmourne for every player isn’t significant, lol.

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Significant means not important then?

whatever i said u were gonna say it wasn’t significant, ur that type of person, gamma dungeons are significant (because you said it) and 6 week shadowmournes aren’t(because i said it), there really is no winning

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that crap is so stupid i’ve seen it before “mythic raid tier shouldn’t drop better gear you should only want to do it for the FUN”, every MMO player chases the best loot the content will be dead if there isn’t any incentive even if the game absolutely can be way more fun with a little difficulty; stomping through ICC won’t be fun and people will quit faster

No, im going to say something isnt significant if its not significant.

sure, gamma dungeons are way more important than 4000 shadowmournes in 7 weeks, ur right, those shadowmournes aren’t even significant, who cares about balance? i thought u were a no changes guy anyway, not when it comes to shadowmourne i guess, doubling the legendary rate isn’t even a blip on the radar, #nochanges

If you think the buffs are too sudden, then turn them off. Problem solved. You won’t, because that isn’t what this is all about. You’re all wrapped up in what other people are doing and want to control them. AKA, gatekeeping.

Yes. Gamma dungeons werent in the game, Shadowmourne was.

I know.

Moving the goalpost because you are losing.

Shadowmourne existed so it isnt changing balance.

Where did I say this?

What? SHADOWMOURNE EXISTED. Its not adding anything to the game, speeding something up because the last phase isnt going to last the same length is not a significant change.

Double the rate for halving the phase duration? Its a pretty reasonable change. Like fixing that bridge in hardcore… you know the one that is there but doesnt exist and you just fall through it… yeah that would be a fair and reasonable change. Its a bug fix.

Gamma dungeons were not a bug fix, they werent even a gearing fix, they were a retail addition.

giving warriors and paladins a legendary in 6 weeks means that the classes they are competing vs are much less geared than they would be after 12 weeks, if the tier is 18 weeks, you’ve given a +1200 dps to someone for 66% of the tier instead of 33, how is that not changing balance? lol

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even when presented with literal written evidence right infront of your face you can’t be truthful, a very sad end, why would someone try to get the boss they are supposedly gatekeeping nerfed, a month ago? really does make you think. You are so wrapped up in getting yourself over that you couldn’t possibly consider that i was vouching for someone else and now that i’ve shown you the post, you still ignore it, pathetic

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“uh just convince your entire guild to not play with the buff and undo like 15 years of loot chasing mentality” … the raid doesn’t need the buff except maybe heroic LK the rest of it is pretty inline with classic difficulty, most guilds are having fun prog but the ones that are sitting on their butts waiting for a buff are trying to bend the game to their will

Every warrior, paladin and DK won’t be getting Shadowmourne, so I’m not sure why you’re bringing that up.

Yes, it makes us think of why you are even here talking about this buff that you can just shut off.

This thread is about adding an incentive to not have the buff, not if its too early or too late. If there was going to be an incentive to turn the buff off then it would be in the game now.

We are getting more Frost emblems. You get more of them from doing the heroic/gamma daily that you do in a full clear of ICC, oh and the weekly is giving 5 more Emblems of Frost than it did in OG. They didnt really need gamma to do this, but its just speeding stuff up because phases arent lasting as long out outside of ulduar which lasted a little longer than original.