Incentives for the Rest of Us

if you could press ur sinister strike button as good as you could avoid answering questions on the forums u might be able to not ride the we need nerfs carousel every single tier


It’s not a nerf when you can turn it off.

I think their wording on it is wrong, at least in original it was an NPC you would talk to and they would leave and remove the buff from EVERYONE in the raid. Not an individual click off kinda thing.

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it serves the exact same purpose as a nerf, its just a worse version of a nerf basically, its an illusion of choice

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It’s a literal choice. Talk to Varian and the buff goes away.

…for every single raid member, you seem to keep forgetting this and when it gets pointed out you just put your fingers in your ears and lalala ur way across the circular thread

“sounds like a personal problem dood”

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There will always be people at 11/12. Many of those 2000 will never kill him prior to the buff.

It’s going to go in, 8 weeks was plenty long for reasonable progression. The success rate in there is crazy low compared to previous tiers.

It was always going to happen. If you are upset about the challenge being stolen, turn it off.


briefly skimming through the wow patches, this appears to be the fastest nerf ever to an entire instance, plenty long isn’t how I would describe it. As for those 2,000 never making it, well, that’s an opinion and not backed up by anything and more and more raids are clearing him every week, we haven’t hit a wall, the wrath of the lich king expansion gets the lich king nerfed in record breaking time because people can’t stand to prog for some reason


It’s also the first instance that was intentionally overtuned to appease the hardcore players because there was a planned scaling nerf from the start.

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i don’t think its the first insanely overtuned instance, sunwell and ulduar hardmodes were the same way especially in original wrath, this scaling nerf isn’t a positive thing, i’d rather they just clapped the instance than doing this 5% and onwards thing even though its what happened in original wotlk

we are getting lich king nerfs after 8 weeks but nothing ever happened to ulduar, its completely bizarre, ulduar should have gotten demolished after like 3 months

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The Ulduar hard modes were quickly and repeatedly nerfed because they were way beyond reasonable. Classic skipped the nerfs because of these complaints, and it wasn’t better for it.

Sunwell was hard, but not anywhere near the degree heroic lich king is.

Hell, the buff first landed 1 month after Lich King dropped and only 3 weeks after people could start doing hard modes the first time around.

You got way, WAY more time to progress HLK this time.


ICC is just a far easier instance than ulduar is (except for HLK) and it gives tons and tons more loot and better loot and everyone has their tier already, the gearing difference between the two instances is night and day, but we got 6 months to prog the scarcity raid and only 8 weeks to prog the 9/12 pinata raid, it just doesn’t make sense

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Yeah, Ulduar should have been nerfed too…

That place was demoralizing for guilds.


That incentive would be in now because there is no buff.

Because it is. Either accept the buff or find a group of like minded players to raid with it turned off. Your guild’s disagreement over the buff isn’t our problem.

your entire vindication for the buff is because you can just turn it off, which in 99% of cases, is not going to happen, every time i tell you this you just say “find an entire new group of players to play with”

your entire reason for wanting the buff? just want the epics

lol, let me guess, u don’t want it now? or u don’t care?

“listen i want my epics and u should find an entire new raid, its not my problem”

what if i said, listen i want the bosses to be hard to kill forever and if you don’t like that, u should find an entire new raid and just kill them? its pretty unreasonable no?

have you ever reacted in a positive way to someone replying to your posts with “git gud” ? me neither

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Well, you have that option. Turn off the buff. :+1:

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you have the option to kill the boss :+1:, just kill the boss :rofl: , 5377 posts could have been used practicing for your biggest challenge vs heroic rotface and here u are replying to me


Again, what I want is irrelevant to your raid group. If you want hard bosses, then turn the buff off. Stop worrying about how other people play the game.

Again, what i want is irrelevant to your raid group, if you want easy bosses, just kill them on normal. Stop worrying about how other people play the game

you are choosing to turn on heroic mode when u have a normal mode then complaining heroic mode is too hard and should be as easy as normal mode :rofl: but its not about the loot, its about something else but u won’t say what it is, but u dont care at the same time, man this is a good story, best seller on the fictional aisle

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