Incentives for the Rest of Us

wait u literally have other posts talking about your 2h dk parses and u have your parses hidden on wcl lmao

i dont care at all guys please stop trashing me on my parses oh my god ill have to hide them

hahaha oh wow

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Because toxic people bring up logs when they can’t win an argument on merit.

Logic and rationale take a backseat to parses!

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yea, imagine not being able to win an argument on merit, imagine you could link literal evidence that the guy ur talking to is wrong and he continues along the same line of thinking anyway? pretty toxic tbh

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Yeah imagine that, something you havent been able to do.

Then link it. You have made a lot of assumptions, attempted to act like some guild raiding tonight if they dont like the LK without the buff they wont get to after today because someones forum posts is going to prevent them from doing it.

We agree, you are pretty toxic.

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What does posting logs have to do with an OPTIONAL buff?

nothing, u were just making a big song and dance about how u didnt care about parses only to find out that you do care, so much so that you specifically went and hid yours, i have never seen someone get so defensive over their parses before that they’d literally hide them, i didn’t even know that was an option, u must have taken some giant Ls on these forums over the years to go and do that

Because it becomes a distraction from the topic at hand. Is this thread about parses? No? Then don’t worry about them. I don’t care what your parses are, and you don’t need to worry about what mine are.

well, i mean, i can see yours if i want, you can only hide the front page, if i go into the actual log i can see you averaged a 29 last raid

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And here you are again, trying to stroke your ego.

2h and Frost dont really go together, just like DW and Blood. But you apparently havent spent any time on these forums, other people try to use logs or achievements as a means to demean other people, like you are doing right now.

I have even gotten threats of violence on these forums, as well as people going in game to send me mail, people making accounts of this characters name on them on other platforms and so on. Thats why people usually stick to one character, usually one they dont play.

But people like you always try to get some jab in against other players because you have absolutely nothing.

Of course, its someone from Benediction. No wonder why they are so toxic.

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Which is irrelevant to the topic at hand. My performance has zero impact on yours.

Taking a page out of the anti-rdf troll handbook. Have no argument? Make the discussion about something totally unrelated!

Why is he posting? He keeps saying he doesn’t care about the buff. Doesn’t care so much he’s made a hundred posts about it. :rofl:

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merit didn’t work though u just ignore what you don’t want to see and continue onwards, the kelliste protocol, that post where i asked for hlk to be nerfed really chucked a spanner in the works didn’t it? or it chucked the egg on the face

Eh, just put them on ignore. They have nothing of value to put forward. Its just an ego stroke for them.

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i think its shadows that claims he “didn’t care”, i obviously care, ur ruining people’s experiences because u can’t wait more than 8 weeks for the best items in the game, you never did get over your parents not buying you that wolverine figure back in the 90s

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Heroic Lich King is being nerfed, via the buff. As was planned from the start. What was your point again?

I was into Spider Man, not Wolverine. I had plenty of those figures too.

No one’s experience has been ruined. Turn off the buff and continue on as you have been.

oh man 13 normal mode lich king wipes holy smokes, maybe ur right, maybe people do need the buff for normal

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So, can you stop worrying about what others are doing now?

no, i don’t think i will