Incentives for the Rest of Us

My forum posts will prevent guilds from turning off the buff? News to me.

turning off the buff is a fantasy, only you and other unhinged forum friends of yours can’t see it, WCL will partition, every kill afterwards will be counted as nerfed, no one will do it, just like they didn’t do no world buff raids

I dont care what you said in another thread. But your interactions here have been completely different than what you want to portray.

Really? I thought tonight was the past. Come on get off it.

Your fault, not mine. You were jumping all over the place, and its still your fault, not mine.

Help me out with what exactly? People still have almost an entire month if they are that close to finishing progression. You make it sound like the change is coming tomorrow so tonight is the last night for them to attempt it and this other guys “forum posts” are going to be the reason why they arent going to get it. Seriously you are all over the place and its embarassing.

More insults I see. Trying to puff your ego back up because its taking a hit? And im just relaxing farming come copper in Valheim, not tired at.

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“i don’t care what you wrote in another thread” flawless logic, this thread is gospel, the one from a month ago proving you wrong is a pretender

Yeah. I dont.

What you say in this thread has more weight to it in this thread. So yes.

Looks like your mind has changed in a month. But you are just using it as a “im not a gatekeeper! I swear!” type of thing because everything you said in here says otherwise.

You are also VERY toxic. I dont know how your guild can put up with you.

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Buff should have been in week one. I want to see HUGE slams and MASSIVE judgement of vengeances. It was awesome seeing 22k crit on twin valks yesterday. GINORMUS numbers is all I care about.


ohh i remember you now, darn, you were the guy in the replenishment thread where u googled the replenishment tooltip and were proven completely wrong by logs, this is how it ended,


2326 posts

80 Human Paladin5220

Kelliste has 10,000 posts almost completely devoted to arguing anything and everything. He doesn’t care if he’s wrong, he doesn’t care if he’s lying.

He just posts, and posts, and posts hoping for an argument.

i knew i recognised the name but i didn’t know from where

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I wasnt wrong lol.

I have him on ignore, hes worse than you.


So, you have no self-control and base your in-game decisions on a 3rd party web site?

again its nothing to do with me, i already have my kill, the vast majority of players especially hlk players care about logs, u might not, but they do

So petition WCL to have a no buff category instead of arguing against an optional buff.

there’s a no world buff category for vanilla and absolutely no one used it, it doesn’t work

Yes it does. You want to stroke your ego, thats why you are here.

The vast majority of players do not care about logs

No, they really dont. Most of the people only care if the boss dies.

Then no one actually cares about these buffs and killing stuff prior to the buff happening so you are just wasting your time here for the sake of nobody.


Then it sounds like you’re in the minority. Too bad, so sad. I’ve been playing Classic since day 1 and never gave a cluck about WCL. I also didn’t bother with world buffs for Vanilla Classic. No point when I had to fight my way into Blackrock Mountain every week and often died in the process.

He’s trying so hard to convince himself. There’s literally no reason to care about some optional buff. He’s obsessed with how others play the game and scared about losing his ‘elite’ status. :blush:

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That’s exactly how I feel.

Its as obvious as the Christmas Tree in Rockefeller Center during Christmas.


i’m not in the minority, most guilds log and care about them, the ones that don’t tend to be very low performing, even basically bis logs, you aren’t on them though, even trade chat pugs log their runs, you are just out of touch

Yes you are.

Not in the way you do.

Or they just… you know… might not care.

Why? Its a pug run for one, and unless they are doing just to do any type of performance examination is all ego stroking.

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I am, just not on this character. I also don’t care how other guilds are performing, only that mine is learning and improving. I don’t need logs for that. We’ll get as far as we can without buffs, and then continue with them. I won’t be losing any sleep over it.