Incentives for the Rest of Us

You’re pearl clutching over optional buffs that can be turned off. Gatekeeping is the only reason someone would do that. Everything else you’ve said is just a distraction from that fact.

pearl clutching doesn’t really make sense in this sentence but go ahead, again u have absolutely no answer to why i would try to get a boss nerfed a month ago in a completely different thread, it seems like you just can’t accept that i disagree with you for something other than my own gain, the concept is so completely foreign to you even when its obvious and actually written down infront of you, you can’t grasp it, surely you can’t be such a snake in the grass that you think every single person’s agenda is their own because yours is?

Then why are you even here? You are literally saying no to the buff in here saying people dont need it, or thats the impression that you gave off. You are anti-buff as far as this thread is concerned.

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you can read my opinion, people don’t need it this early nor do they need it to “see the content”, and they certainly don’t need it on the 11/12 bosses, hlk is different which is why i suggested a specific nerf on him

a 30% buff vs rotface turns rotface into noth the plaguebringer

the instance is not very hard, other than HLK, which is insanely difficult compared to everything else

We have in this thread and its anti-buff.

Not what you said until now in this entire thread.

see, anti-buff. And yes, a lot of people do.

assumptions, thats all you are working off of.

You do know that people have trouble with 2 simple mechanics right? Corrupted soul, and soulstorm. They just cant handle move away from boss and kill the soul and stand in the middle for soulstorm.

There are people wanting the buff yesterday.

It really isnt. But again people cant handle just simple mechanics. The 30% buff which isnt going to happen right away and will in increments of 5% every other week until 30% is reached. Are you really going off the assumption that December 8th its going to be 30% damage healing and health buff?

You arent going to get the 30% for until like… late February early March.

Seriously… why are you even here?

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It’s not up to you to say what other people do or don’t need. If your guild doesn’t need it, then your guild can turn it off. If my guild does need it, then that’s none of your concern.

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Not what you said until now in this entire thread.

Uhh, wrong, try “control+f” too early, you even responded to it

see, anti-buff. And yes, a lot of people do.

“alot of people” aka <28% of the community, at 6 weeks

assumptions, thats all you are working off of.

they aren’t assumptions, i can see the logs, people are progressing insanely fast through 11/12, 50%+ of the community is 9/12

The 30% isnt even coming until late February - early March. I dont know what they are complaining about.

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Not wrong.

Yes, a lot of people.

They are assumptions.

Guess you didnt have anything to say about the 30% buff not coming until late Feb early March.

your guild is way below the average, like way way way below it seems, balancing the game around what you can and can’t do after 6 weeks would destroy the game for everyone, it would be naxxramas citadel on week 1

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So what?

Looks like more stick waving and insults.

Its literally 5% increase on Dec 8th. And its coming, nothing you can do aboutu it.

Yeah because 5% is really doing to do that.

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he has been a total slimeball the entire thread to someone he now knows isn’t gatekeeping him but he can’t admit to it even still and he has fired his own insults, i’m not going to be nice to him but my comments in his guild are completely factual

5% is a gigantic buff, 5% damage alone is like an entire extra dps player, not even counting 5% hp, absorbs or healing

All I see from any of his posts are “But I did it without the buff!! No fair!!!”


u already got exposed in the other thread, u are a forum troll by trade who doesn’t even play the game, atleast shadows is doing the content

You are talking about you right?

Yes, you are, and you are still doing it.

No its not. But now that you have been called out saying 30%! 30%! and its not 30%, you have no reason to be here other than try to put people down. You absolutely were talking about yourself.

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no matter how much evidence is provided i guess you’ll just keep believing i’m gatekeeping some total noob from a kill that he likely won’t get it anyway, its the twilight zone here, i do not care if he kills it, i care if the people who are progging on it tonight don’t get their pre nerf kill because of his forum posts

Some people complain for the sake of complaining. It reminds me of the people who complain about gas prices but drive a giant truck or SUV that gets 12mpg. When you suggest they trade that vehicle in for something more fuel efficient, they have every excuse in the world as to why they can’t do that. You have a choice as to what vehicle you drive, just as you have a choice with the ICC buff.

Nothing is destroyed. Go talk to Varian and turn off the buff. My guild’s performance has zero impact on yours.

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you obviously believe your posts have some sort of impact or else you wouldn’t post them, and i’d be willing to bet you were in the ulduar posts trying to get that nerfed, so your guilds performance being so low but you using them as a measuring stick of when content is too hard is literally having an impact on everyone’s guild, you know as well as i do that blizzard respond to outcries on these forums

So far its 0. If you arent gatekeeping why are you here? Hmm? Why this entire thing? Its absolutely gatekeeping, and you have shown your ego which is all you care about.

Oh. Is it coming out tomorrow then? If they cant beat it then they cant beat it. Too bad so sad. And if they want to turn it of THEY CAN. His forum posts arent going to precent someone from getting a kill.

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i mean there’s a literal post with me saying “hey nerf hlk he sucks and is too hard” but if that’s 0 i guess its 0, you are arguing for arguements sake

i used tonight as in, in the present, u were very confused earlier when i didn’t specify the exact timeline i was talking about so i thought i’d help you out, but you’ve found a way through this one too, being this obtuse must be very tiring