Since there is a problem with people bailing on mythic+ keys and going into groups and generally not wanting to cooperate. Why isn’t it a thing (or could it be a thing) to give incentive to complete a pug group without anyone leaving? Not enough to be game breaking, but enough to be desirable? Some bit of new currency that could purchase cosmetic items/pets/mounts?
There seems to be a problem that is often commented on in the forums about this topic. If folks are trolling just for funsies, why not give them a reason NOT to? Reward the desired behavior. . .more carrot. . so to speak?
Just a thought.
I know FF14 has a rating system that can only be used by randoms and not friends, I think a certain commendation rating gives you stuff, so I guess being a jerk will not give you points from others.
You mean something like that?
Something like that. . . call it Cooperation Coins. . . you only get them via the LFG tool and if no one leaves. Not a rating system though, I see that being abused. Just a reward for completing the group as formed.
Make the rewards nice enough that they are actually desirable, expensive enough you can’t get them all very fast. . .
You’ll still have some people who just live to see the world burn, but it would be a nice incentive for a lot of people. Maybe have a few achievements for number of groups completed that way, or amount of coins collected. Even if it just applied to Mythic+ dungeons, since those seem to be the sore spot.
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To be fair, I think the m+ score, filled vault slot, or gear at the end is usually the reward people are going for, but I get what you’re saying.
Karma system / commendation system could be helpful though without necessarily allowing people to grief with that (aka you can only ‘upvote’ someone and not necessarily ‘downvote’ them), idk.
Would also be interesting if something was implemented in the game that allowed you to see how many times a character abandoned a dungeon/key before completion in the last 30/60 days. IDK how much spaghetti code would have to go into that though.
How often do you think that is the case? I guess it’s hard for me to think someone would take time out of their day to waste other people’s time (and their own time) for something like that. x.x
Should probably extend it to m+ as well (like you said at the end), or it doesn’t help the problem of low level key pugs falling apart after one goofy wipe. I personally have issues with LFG dungeons (timewalking, levelling, and heroic for the bonus bags) once a year tops, so I’m either not doing it enough or I have very good luck.
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There is most definitely an element in the game that lives to grief. Particularly in M+ and LFR. Not much you can do about those. . . although the ability to see how many groups they’ve left before completion would be an interesting function.
You do have people who leave for legit reasons. . .the run is just chaos, the dog is throwing up, someone is at the door, sudden emergency bathroom trip. .etc. Those would get lumped in too, but the people who do that generally don’t make a habit of it.
It is rare for me to leave a pug run. I did last week when I went into vault of the incarnates for some mog items and there was only one tank. . .and that tank decided (after being told repeatedly not to do it) that he was going to solo tank the primal council. I bailed on that one. There was also a healer missing. Tank didn’t want to wait. But generally, I’ll stay through wipes, it’s not a big deal. I’m pretty tolerant and I’m a newbie guide as well.
I’m just trying to figure out a way to deal with the (extremely vocal) problem of people bricking keys or going into instances just to be a troll. So I’d want to see how many times they’ve bailed on an a run in progress… . and how many times they’ve been vote kicked.
Wholeheartedly agree with you. That type of behavior definitely needs to be addressed. What’s the point in agreeing to the social contract if people are continuing to break it without repercussions, yeah? Definitely seeing some kind of way of seeing how often they’re kicked from a group or how often they leave a key/dungeon before completion would deter a lot of this.
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Funny you should mention this. We’ve had several internal discussions about this very topic, and while there’s nothing to announce yet (and, realistically, not likely for a while), this is a concern very much on our radar. It feels a little disingenuous to say “stay tuned” because nothing is going to be immediately forthcoming, but if and when something comes of those discussions, this is your forewarning to not be surprised. 