Thank You Blizzard for Acknowledging the M+ Leaver Problem

What’s to discuss? Just pause the instance until someone else joins, and their key doesn’t get downgraded or depleted or whatever the Hell happens to it when the instance isn’t “successful”. Christ in a chariot driven sidecar eating a hoagie with a cat driving on an icy road in the dark, ActiBlizz! You have how many college educated people working for you and you can’t figure that out?!?!

All this time that people have been whining about this and the first time I heard about it way back when it started being a problem and the aforementioned solution was my first thought, just pause the instance until someone else joins, yet you big brains at ActiBlizz can’t figure this out?

I should charge you for that solution. /spit

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine: