In the current meta whos the most op?

no i just diddnt enjoy them functionally.

it wasnt about damage output or anything like that.

i diddnt like the style.

the nerf shaman threads started in p2 and just kept going all the way through even when they werent op.

thats why i say the 3 metas and a phase ago comment.

im not proving your point.

you are misreading the posts into something they dont say.

Can’t tell if serious…

Translation: “Let’s only talk about what I think is broken.”

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I play a shaman so i know they arent broken! Even though ive never actually vsed a shaman in BGs.

ive went against plenty of shaman in stv btw.

still dont think they are broken.

now what?

edit to also add:

on shaman priest and lock .

stv and bgs are a completely different ball game brother

this is true.

still dont think they are op.

because the only times you have vsed them has been as a shaman, or as a warlock in stv. You only have 5% of the info and are making statements based off that. Maybe listen to people that have much more info / experience and can paint a better picture.

also as a priest in stv.

i dont play solo either and have heard quite a few people say the same things im saying .

but ya whatever.

A ret paladin in the hands of an intelligent player. Thankfully, that combo has never occurred.

You asked about 1-3 shot meta and bring up a utility rune? Lol, ok. Balance Druids have a 12% crit chance in full PvE gear. You only die if you get crit by starfire. So we are OP 12% of the time, if left completely alone to free cast.

Shadow Priests will kill you with 2 DoTs ALONE and they actually have good defensives. They are easily the best PvP class in the game, hands down for 1on1.

Elemental Shaman stacks are the most OP thing possible in Bloodmoon. It’s not even close.

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which is quite often at the initial bs scrum / alliance druids defending a base in ab in shadowmeld/ a boomie is on top of something thats hard to get to in bm/ from on top of the base in wsg/ect ect.

you act like it CANT POSSIBLY HAPPEN EVER!!!one1.

it happens all the freaking time.

you only play as horde though, why would they evey say “Wow shamans are so overpowered” while BGing… It benefits us. Im trying to see it from both sides so BGing isnt dead next phase.

Yet shamans cant turret? Only boomies / spriests can apparently.

Shadow Priests by far… they have completely bypassed all the nerfs; I don’t know how…I know boomies have the frenzygen rune but some of us don’t have it bc its a pve thing. Boomies also have to hard cast to nuke while if anyone basically trains us while in a team fights your dead basically.
Spriests can cast 2 dots on an entire team in 18 seconds and basically the opposite team has to disengage from the fight or get dispels which burns the crap out of mana. This alone with their entire toolkit puts them worlds ahead of everyone else.
Close second is ranged hunters right now with chimera shots back-to-back hitting for like 2k each, mixed together with pet hitting for like 2-400, pets are sneaky dmg in team fights.

i do often hear in bgs “pallies so op” or “they have 4 priests and a bunch of druids” or other things.

i dont care. i just play with what we have as a team and either win or lose.

if alliance needs a crutch to say why they lose after being totally horrible at defending bases or solo heroing or not rotating properly enough to win it may as well be shaman which is the only thing they dont have so its ez to blame , so be it.

im just stating that shaman are at best tied for 4th on the strength meter in the current meta.

call that what you will.

people asking for shaman nerfs want to revenge nerf them and gut them for p2 and have stuck making 20+ posts a day about how op shaman are .

ill tell you a secret.

with the 50% dr and even the 20/30/20 dr of the past two weekends , all hybrids and healers were busted (moreso on the 50% dr weekend).

when p2 way of earth dual rb shaman were busted.

they currently are not busted in this meta.

ill call it busted if they do another dr meta.

but currently no they arent.

the difference youre not getting with ele shaman vs boomies and spriests is shaman have to be much much closer to even get the fs /lb combo off which leaves them vunerable to kicks /counterspells/ melee pressure knockback.

Priests get deleted by shaman. Shaman however have no hard counter.

All i can say is reap what you sow next phase, dont come crying when horde BG queues are an hour + because this is what you wanted. It will be a struggle to get HWL for horde next phase

Only thing annoying about pallies is if the team has pallies they get BS free because they can hit the back lines(healers) bc 12 seconds of full immunity, yea they’re slower but that was before they got like 4 to 5 other abilities that are spell dmg and instants and proc based

Unless shamans can magic dispel or do dmg while the priest is jellibeaned I don’t get ur comment. No dot in the game should crit upwards of 800…If any it should be the main dot class Aff

Shaman can dispel void plague, break fear, and purge priest buffs. Priests don’t have much health. 1-2 globals and they’re dead after purge.