In the current meta whos the most op?

Horde logic, and then go on the forums to complain about queue times. I play both and am looking for a better BG experience all round.

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they will flock to the forums when they have to sit in hour long queues wondering why alliance dont want to queue.

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just queue as a group.

problem solved.

What queue times? We don’t actually have those if you aren’t a solo queue player.

Dont worry its yet another alliance player whos delusional.

the short sightedness is astonishing.

I play both, the only delusional people here are shamans sorry bud

heh .

av will be fun btw.

scorched earth will make queue times big and ill be laughing the whole way through .

you will be laughing sitting in hour long AV queues? This is what im trying to avoid as a horde player.

horde queues are going to be dead next phase, enjoy waiting an hour for a single bg.

exactly this. If changes arent made BGing for horde will be very depressing which is not what i want. Shamans and premades are currently cooking them. Having to queue as 5 to get shorter BG queues shouldnt be the answer. I fear this bandaid fix will have bad repercussions with the AV queue system. It will lead to 40man horde premades and alliance not queueing at all.

i honestly said that the breaking up of the queue the way they did it would result in long queue times but nobody believed me.

queuing with 2-5 people is always faster and the solo queue that so many wanted is longer and way less used.

theres just not enough solo queuers to make it go any faster.

theres also the problem that they made all the rep from ab able to be easily gotten by people in stv.

taking out the reward and making people who are only playing for fun further reduced the pool of available people .

av is alot different than ab and wsg in terms of balance just on its face and i doubt the same old “shaman are way op” will be the case and pallies will shine a bit more along with most of the ranged classes.

there will be an actual front line in av and it will change the meta quite a bit.

sadly enh shaman will end up being a squishy joke in big battles if that happens just like a rogue caught out of stealth.

its like you dont realise shamans have the most OP ranged spec, and the most OP melee spec out of all classes at the moment. Take the jade glasses off. Play another class in pvp as both horde and alliance. You will see you struggle on horde abit more not being a shaman. You will see shamans destroying you if you play alliance.

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i have a priest and a warlock and soon to be a druid at 50.

im aware of the game outside the lense of being a shaman.

play the druid as feral and see how much fun you have compared to the shaman.

naw its either gonna be moonkin or resto.

im not wanting to play another melee .

priest either heals or shadow.

might just make the druid go resto and have it be my main healer.

i like different playstyles.

i can say that functionally spriest is far superior in terms of playstyle than ele sham btw.

at least imho.

so you dont play any other melee but enhance shaman is definitely the worst. Until you play any other melee you have 0 idea.

Spriest is good yes, but still not above ele. I can tear up spriests as both horde and alliance. There is no tearing up an ele shaman.

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i never said they were the worst.

i said

spriest = ranged hunter

in that order.

ive played melee in other phases and diddnt enjoy them as much as shaman. i never said shaman were the worst melee.

i said also that spriests are functionally better to me than an ele shaman.

it is true as far as i can speak to with fear and dispersion and dots and other ways of dealing with and also dealing damage .

ele shaman is mostly a turret that is way weaker to kicks and counterspells and the like than a spriest is all day every day.

but we are talking about things that is our opinion and i bet alot of people will agree with both of us on our choices.

I dont see any nerf rogue threads, or nerf boomkin / spriest / hunter. There is 1 consistent class that people want nerfed.

You say you played melee in other phases but didnt ejnoy them as much as shaman… Maybe because enh shaman is OP compared to other melee? You are realllllyyy good at proving other peoples points.

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nice to see you did a thread for gaslighting shamans.