In the current meta whos the most op?

Tell me how a druid or mage can keep a team anti CC’d like a shaman?

Tell me how a dps priest / paladin / druid can heal as much as a enh shaman?

the fact you have mentioned rogue / mage as being able to global just proves you are jaded brah

mans really said paladin can instant heal as much as enhance

one time once every hour, except instead of costing 0 mana it costs all my mana lmao. if used on myself I am left with a whopping 550 mana

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Its only shamans defending shamans or horde that dont have an alliance toon. I want to be able to BG next phase on my horde toons. If we dont see some changes BGing as horde is going to be cooked next phase.

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no. its mostly people that actually have a clue about the current state of pvp.

I guess it’s just a majority of shaman that actually have a clue, wild

I wonder what the correlation is? does playing shaman make you better? faster reflexes? much smarter?

obviously this is true.

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It cant be that they are overpowered at the moment and everyone complaining is wrong. It just cant be!

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no but it does give actual perspective of actually playing a shaman and a clue about the stuff they have to go against.

of course you wouldnt know this and are still trying to get revenge nerfs from p2 and 3 metas ago.

I’m sorry, you’re right. Allow me to correct myself.

Ele shamans have to get within 20 yards to land their flame shock, then do a 2 second hard cast lava burst without the spell failing for any reason like an interrupt, line of sight, or out ranging the 30 yard max range cast that can’t be increased via any talents.

Most casters fight at the 30-36 yard range, so we’ll start the time to kill for any caster, including ele, once they enter the 36 yard range. Assuming on foot, that’s about 1.5 seconds to get into range for a flame shock, 1.5 sec gcd cooldown, 2 second hard cast, and then it’s up to RNG if the lava burst overloads to get enough damage to kill an ungeared player outside of bloodmoon or BGs. Total time to kill, 6.5 seconds, just a little over 4 GCDs. Lot’s of counterplay to be made in that time, and that certainly isn’t GLOBALING anybody.

Rogue can just open on you and kill you in a stun, whether its in a BG/BM or not.

2 minute mages are a thing, they can global you just fine right now. I get PoM Pyro’d all the time bro.

you’ve got the biggest victim complex from someone playing a broken class that I’ve EVER seen. I’ve said many times they should reduce MSW healing because it is busted IN PHASE 3, has literally nothing to do with WotE or whatever “3 metas ago” chirping you say every time you respond to someone. obviously when damage output slowed down, it becomes more overpowered. it doesn’t mean it isn’t also currently overpowered.

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Shaman should get the same type of debuff paladins get with their rune. 50% healing done reduction.

Quick tip, just turret while having more armor than plate wearers.

Pvp isnt 1v1s, its group play. Shamans just bring the most to BGs at the moment, as any spec.

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it isnt.

at full stacks casting max rank healing wave i get 50% hp healed.

thats also building stacks for 4+ seconds each time if they dont get dispelled.

do you play in organized pvp much?

with people who dispel and all that?

a shaman complaining about being purged by the one class on the alliance that can do it.
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So you are saying spriests are dispelling your MS stacks and that makes you weak. Yet you wont say shamans have an offensive dispel also that makes other classes weak. Jaded.


Typical shaman player


never said that.

He just single handedly proved everyones point hahaha

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It’s okay, Alliance still loses games hand over fist even in 0 shaman horde lobbies. They’ll just blame anything for why they never win BGs.

Crying in yet another thread are you?

what other melee can insta heal themselves for 50% or better HP every ~4 seconds?


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