In the current meta whos the most op?

The melee gear setup is completely different than the ranged one. What you’re saying is like me telling you to play elemental in pvp when you’re enhancement normally.

Only you are. This is a pvp thread. Pve is irrelevant, the content is too easy.

Melee hunter isnt a pvp spec. So anyone else talking about them here mean ranged hunters.

You even clipped out the word “barely” when you quoted my response. How much are you trying to gaslight jesus christ.

Hunter is 4th right now for the past week behind shaman, rogue, and warrior. You can stop making stuff up now.

oh this week.

oh no 4th dps overall compared to all the other dps.

whatever will you do?

It didn’t add anything meaningful to the statement.

There’s no reason classes with more pve and pvp utility should be ahead of melee hunter. It’s poor design.

we can agree to disagree here.

btw how is that 40% dodge working for ya?

How are instant cast heals, spell interrupts, cc immunity, and offensive dispels working for you?

Oh and spells that actually scale, plus runes that give spell damage to make them usable?

As enhance dps i swap to my second duel spec which utilizes less dps talents for more utility and tankiness. I also swap out the extra dps runes for more survivability. So yes i go from a pve enhance setup to a pvp one. Melee hunter only exists through the use of three runes and is designed for pve. If you want to do well in pvp then try getting a setup for it since you have the option to duel spec and all of hunter scaling comes from agility anyways so the transition shouldnt even be slightly difficult. Get the bloodmoon ranged weapon for an easy item and stop being bad.

working well.

thats if i get to build the stacks and they dont get dispelled .

spell interrupts? sure they work if i live long enough to do them.

cc immunity? do you mean grounding totem or decoy? ya they catch 1 thing that might be a big spell or a throw away spell like icelance or an auto attack.

the purges are fun ya :smiley: .

another banger take

heh. my 6 second ranged kick that also does decent dam? ya, sure, whatever, as long as i live long enough to even be able to press it.

but ya.

you dont seem to get how fast people die in pvp including enh shaman.

at ab initial scrum if you are within range of the range damage they can squash you before you can even blink .

but ya . do go on about whatever.

Its like you dont even realise there are other melee classes in the game with much less to offer. At this point you have to be trolling, i know its fun to be the top class in pvp at the moment. But it will come back to bite you when you are sitting in hour long AV queues. Hopefully something is done or bging on horde next phase is going to be a nightmare.

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you have to be trolling if you are trying to say they are the most op class in the current “meta” .

they arent.

Tell me another class that can global as quick as ele, can instant heal as much as enhance. And can keep a team topped / anti CC like a resto.

you seem to think they can do all 3 at the same time.

they cant.

btw spriests are top currently and nearly tied with ranged hunters. then moonkin druids then shaman=rogue.

switch up flag carrying druids to the top if talking about wsg.

thats the real order.

maybe try doing some actual organized pvp and watching more than just your numbers and youll understand a bit more than you do now.

spotter the 1200 peak player

nice dodge, still waiting on this superior class to shamans. We are talking class balance, not spec.

Rogue, Mage, Druid, Hunter.

Paladin, Priest, Druid, Mage.

Priest, Paladin, Druid, Mage.