In the current meta whos the most op?

Dude open the logs one singular time and check basically any percentile. Melee hunter is between first to third place and ranged is usually around 4th or 5th. In pvp ranged hunter is incredible and extremely oppressive. Again if you expected to enter pvp with a full pve build you deserve to get destroyed.

Only if you are a melee and rogues have CDs, ive never had an issue killing rogues compared to shamans. Rogues cant heal your team to full or stop them getting feared / ccd with no penalties. Pvp isnt all about 1v1s.

You’re looking at prenerf numbers there chud.

No melee are good but enhance are kings of melee at the moment. By a long shot.

Its pallys. Bubble and have 6 seconds of pure damage. Then once bubble runs out they can stun giving them another 6 seconds of pure damage.

No class in SOD can survive 12 seconds pally damage

Either you are actually trolling or you don’t know how to use logs. You can check between 2 weeks, 1 week, or even 1 day. Melee hunter in all percentiles over 1 week is second. Switch it to one day and they are third. Paladins are also nowhere near the bottom they are middle of the pack and typically 2h classes in pve do slightly worse than duel wielders. You are just actively lying.

“nyooooooo we’re actually not OP guys not anymoooore we don’t need nerfs”

-Shamans, and ONLY shamans


All percentiles, lolol. This dudes using all percentiles as a metric for how good a class is. Everyone point and laugh.

You can check at 95th they are still top 3. Go to 90th still top 3. Go to 50th if you want to include bads and they are usually number 1. You are trying to make them look worse than they are for whatever reason.

You must not be able to read the charts because they’re not top 3. It’s shaman, warrior, rogue. All three of which have been aoe, and utility than a melee hunter.

They sure as s*it arent the bottom.

Yeah but from my experience, I can beat any class if the player is bad enough. But shaman… nope backpedaling keyboard turning enhanced shamans can still mess me up.

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It’s a class that only has single target dps. They have no aoe. They have no usable raid utility. They fill no other role outside of dps. They bring nothing other than single target dps, and they’re not even the best at that. They’re not even top 3. There’s no reason to bring a melee hunter over any other dps class.

you mean aside from the very very very good dps?

Shaman has better dps, provides aoe dispels, purge, spell immunity, aoe damage, wind fury, ect… so no, hunter is not very good dps in comparison.

What percentile are you even looking at? And do you realize hunter is the only method for horde to get kings? You understand how trueshot aura works? Shamans are extremely strong in pvp right now and certain things need to be tuned down but how are you actively saying that hunter is a bad dps. Most percentiles have them only barely behind the other melees.

You should go see how hunters are complaining about getting nerfed again.

We’re talking about melee hunter specifically.

Yes, the other melee that bring useful stuff to the raid outside of strictly single target dps.

So dont pvp in a pve spec. Thats just unrealistic to expect to do well in a pvp environment with a setup meant to fight bosses.

which logs?

btw the week 5 ones that were posted on the discord news feed has melee hunters top 2 and ranged top 5.

also just because someone is a melee hunter for 1 fight doesnt mean they cant switch up runes and go traplauncher for the 6 boss fight or any other fight they are needed for.

you are trying to squat on hunters in comparision to shaman like you think youve made some ULTRA POINT but you havent.

keep stumbling