In the current meta whos the most op?

shadow meld called btw.

DR weekends can’t be called “metas”. You have 1 and only meta - without DR. And shaman’s toolkit is overloaded. You just have 2 dps specs competing with each other which one is more OP (ele and ench). And, eventually, ele will win in p4. Just like on ERA they were globaling people in AQ40/HW gear.

Good horde players never did that, esp in pvp.

one would argue that good alliance players dont argue that shaman are op in the current conditions as well.

and in that meta shaman are alot lower on the chart of power levels than a number of other classes.

Shaman / spriest / hunter / boomy in that order.

Shamans hybrid healing is cracked, shouldnt be able to instant cast a full heal every 10 seconds. Hour cooldown for pallies.

Spriest / boomy putting out way too much damage compared to the mana cost.

Hunter isnt as bad as phase 1 / 2 but still pretty strong. Just have to get on them asap, but then you have the previous mentioned classes free casting on you.

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… Huh?

pre setup shadow meld when defending a point is pretty strong btw.

meaning you can setup defending a point well away from the flag at some random place and get off a full ss sf combo before the person even knows where you are , not even mentioning the instant aimed combo from sitting still if you have that rune and a trap launched before they know where you are.

edit to also add:

you can do the same effective thing by sitting at range at the initial bs scrum with the safety of other range and your front line defending you and pull off massive damage.

Bro you think Enhance is OP right now. You’re without a doubt a 1200 arena lifer.

We both know its true but come up with some witty thing to say to make yourself giggle.

Those little “GOTEM” moments in your own little reality are cute

brother you are in the minority, if you cant see all the complaints against shamans and still want to believe there is nothing wrong your eyes are jaded.

again you guys are talking about 3 or more different “metas” ago and assuming it follows that the current “meta” is the same.

they had a point with the p2 woe dual rb meta or the 50% dr meta or even a little bit of the 20/30/20 meta.

it doesnt hold up now.

Its really not that hard to mount up to flag.
If were talking bg setting. Id say open world is even easier. More than 70% of open world pvp Ive been apart of Ive initiated on clueless people thinking I wouldnt attack

For pvp:

For pve:

The one thing that’s absolutely certain is shaman needs a nerf.

Im doing the revered to exalted grind now on alliance and horde toons. As someone that loves BGs there are 2 issues.

Shamans, if we have 3+ shamans on our team its usually a win. The utility / pressure they can put out is unmatched at the moment.

Premades. As horde we are forced to premade to get shorter queue times. If we dont we dont get a queue pop. This results in 3 5 man groups stomping alliance which is fun, but i fear what will happen when AV comes around. Its looking more and more likely that we will be in lengthy queues if something isnt done.

You put hunter on the bottom… now you are just being disingenuous. Shaman are certainly strong but ranged hunter is actively oppressive. A good ranged hunter should never lose to any melee.

Go play a melee hunter for a while and report back. Easily the worst class in pvp at the moment. Only warrior gives it any competition for the bottom.

I agree hunter is def first or second. They got serious range damage now.

Im talking about my experience on my ally toon vs shamans. They’re 100000x easier to kill than a rogue…

But most of you are terrible pvp’rs and don’t know whats going on around you in the first place.

Its hard to take many of you serious when it comes to pvp

Ok so melee hunter is top 3 dps in pve and it you are going into pvp with a pve spec you deserve to be clowned on.


if you take a quick look at the meters in pve that argument doesnt hold up .

priest hunter druid rogue are tops in pvp btw.

wpvp is by nature , random. sometimes you start right on the person sometimes you start at range .

its alot easier determining things in a more controlled situation and even in the non controlled ones some classes are just plain better than shaman by a good amount.

Melee hunter is currently the bottom of all the melee dps, paladin is the only competition for last place in pve. Paladin at least provides a large amountof mana regen and can do significant aoe damage. Melee hunter provides basically nothing of value to a raid. It’s in a terrible spot right now.

I can’t speak on ele shaman beyond saying I’ve seen them global people

But alliance whinging about enhance are laughable…

No melee are good in this ranged heavy meta ESPECIALLY not with trap launcher entrapment hunters around.

Shadow, and hunter are far and away the two biggest problem classes right now, with boomy and likely ele being problematic as well… And though most warlocks disagree, I think lock is up there as well.