In the current meta whos the most op?




in the current meta it is.

ghost wolf is a 1 sec cast my guy. or maybe stop chasing a caster all over Narnia in a team fight and hit the melee close to you to build MSW

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Without damage reduction enhance is probably C tier and thats if you can actually get to someone before you die, which is literally inside any stun or fear.

If they put a permanent 35% reduction in play then shaman moves up a tier or 2

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yep . this guy gets it.

Uh, its like a 400 heal with a hot that ticks for 100 every 3 seconds after you’ve gotten a SP buff from Mental Dex (meaning you got in melee range).

Now, when people are hitting you for upwards of 1k per second in damage, that doesn’t really do squat.

I’d say most classes right now have something that makes them strong, a rogue being able to control a fight specially without damage reduction currently is very strong, an spriest being able to drop 2 dots on you and the three homies giving you the gang initiation while you sit in dispersion effectively killing any class without a heal. Night elf hunters who sit in shadowmeld just to slap you with instant aimed shot and everything else are an amusing jump scare specially when other races try it because they can only feign death.
Mages poly > choice of spell > arcane surge > mana gem into fireblast.
We just have to many stats for our current level.

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b4 the dmg reduction testing, me and a bunch of homies all high rating/high xp all dueled every night and enhance was 100% #1 then affi lock/SP tie. range/los made the biggest difference in these matchups. in classic wow almost nothing is los. but shaman easily took #1. post dmg nerf, shaman became much worst compared to prior

rogue/hunter was up there but most ppl suck at playing those classes

If you’re losing to enhance as ANY range in SOD right now two things should happen, or one of two.

  1. You’re not allowed to post about pvp, period.
  2. You transfer to a pve server until you learn how to play your class.

The days of max distance sniping dozens of people endlessly snared in frost traps in AV like fish in a barrel are nearly upon us. :smiling_imp:

im not gonna argue w/ you but i bet youre some sub 2k peak player or 1.8 xp. you shouldn’t speak about pvp if you truly think this
i REALLY hope to see you in cata arenas where ppl like you cant hide on forums

man the tooltip says it heals a bit more there buddy. but then again, can’t rely on tooltips for accurate information in this game. also it’s instant cast with a 6 sec cooldown. 457-498 is what I’m seeing BEFORE mental dex is factored in, with 486 HoT over 15 sec which is certainly negligible until you factor in MSW. yeah it is costly on mana but that’s pretty nice instant cast healing to supplement enhancement’s free MSW healing.

why don’t you just hard cast a healing wave if you don’t have full MSW stacks like I’m expected to have to do if I want to heal outside of bubble?

Most paladins go into holy tree for increased strength and have pushback reduction for their heals in next tier. Enh doesn’t, so trying to cast healing wave is a good way to die.

Congrats, you’re trying to correct me about not even 100 points of healing. Wow.

It could heal for 800 and it wouldn’t make a difference right now. You still die in the same amount of time. Rogues still kill you in a stun, all ranged classes kill you before you get in melee, and the healing gets neutered by mortal strike if there’s warriors in the fray.

Enhance just beats rets and warriors. Anything else, we can’t catch before death.

So he beats the whole Alliance’s frontline roster.

And by “beating” it is meant staying with full hp after the encounter

not with ms or wound poison no.

but you guys dont want to even see it so i guess whatever.

If 1 guy is upset because of you, you may be just not his type. If 100 people complain, mb, just a little bit, the issue is with you? Still don’t get it about shamans?

they would have a point with the 50% dr meta or the previous p2 woe / dual rb meta and maybe even that 20/30/20 meta.

but not the current meta.

they are operating on data from 2-3 metas ago and p2 when we are midway through p3.

its a false thing and people are trying to revenge nerf shaman for past deeds.

also horde have complained about pallies for forever.

does that mean that they are brokenly op in all metas?


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see what you explained is perfect. but 9.9/10 sod players are horrible at pvp and do not understand how to play. they only spam and zug, half of them click everything and if they played wotlk/retail arena theyd all be 1200-1550 maybe 1800 peak. all they do is come to forums and complain about pvp when they are low skill. its a breath of fresh air when someone has sense and comes on here like you lol.

Destro Lock are the only OTHER classes that I know can 2-3 shot you atm without the damage debuff.

But that is in World pvp, group PVP they won’t get a chance to set up. Unless maybe if the are horde.