In-Game Toxicity Against 12-Month Sub Players

seeing how the active playerbase has taken an absolutely colossal dive in 3-4 months for the last 4 xpacs, they are basically asking ‘why does that make sense to you?’

for me it is cuz I’m an absolute sucker for the worthless digital bonuses you get with the sub commitment, which of course I highly regret later

no regerts


I would simply not show off that you dropped a ton of money on a game that hasn’t earned back its reputation yet

That’s entirely on you

I feel you! I have a friend that told me, “I bet you the people with the mount are Apple iPhone Users that talk smack about people with Android”. I have to admit, I am an iPhone user but I don’t talk smack…usually.

But what someone else does with their time and money should not be a concern for anyone else. Now, I didn’t do the 1 year yet - most likely I will get it - my sub hasn’t lapsed ever even when I stopped playing (like now) so why not get rewarded for it?

You made it public information by displaying it in front of everyone. Don’t use the mount if you don’t want feedback on enabling shady business practices. It’s as easy as that

If you go out of your way to message me in game, you will get reported - if you don’t have proper feedback for someone keep your damn mouth shut, it’s just as simple as that.

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If this actually happened (and you will have to forgive a degree of skepticism, as given some of your posts it does raise a certain suspension of disbelief) then I’d report it. It shouldn’t happen however.

Your money, your time. If they don’t like it, too bad.

Oh this is Hunanbeak, not Humanbeak. Still point stands.

Opinions are opinions. Sometimes you just gotta take them for a grain of salt and move on. Not worth getting worked up because someone else is comparing themselves to you.

Who cares? Your sub, your money, your life. They aren’t paying your sub, YOU are!! You can buy whatever you want with your money, and if people judge you for it just show off your cool mount even more.

Reported for what? No one’s harassing you, you’re just getting opinions you don’t like. It’s like a rich person walking into a poor neighborhood wearing gold jewelry and flaunting their bad financial choices. Of course you’re going to get hate for that.

Nothing about laughing at your bad purchase is against the social contract.

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If you read what the OP said, he was being harassed. Check your facts before commenting. Not someone simply saying, “Hey I don’t think you should have bought that sub”, that is not harassment. Saying “lol dummy xxxxxx” is harassment

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Wow you’re caustic.

Yea too many people are so negative about this lol.

QQ, use the ignore function.

Just ignore those id1ots! The thing they don’t seem to understand is that it’s the sub price anyway but cheaper and with some free items. If you know you’re going to be playing for 12 more months then it only makes sense since the sub cost alone saves money with each longer committment tier.

Blizzard just decided to throw mounts in with it to entice more people to maybe choose that longer (yet cheaper) committment. If you know you’re sticking around for 12-months then go for it and ignore those haters.

They’re the modern day “telephone tough guys” basically, and are just a bunch of l0sers in real life. They likely barely scrape by and have no money so they’re jealous at anyone who can afford things that they can’t.

It’s your money, do with it as you wish. Of course, don’t be stupid with your money (ie. make sure bills are paid, food on the table, etc since you know… no home and no electricity and/or internet means no WoW anyway lol), but your spending/gaming budget is yours to spend as you wish.

Just ignore them and report them and have a good laugh afterwards on your new favorite mount!

Not hard to deal with it.

  1. Don’t take it personal
  2. Make fun of their financial situation
  3. Show off your other store/sub mounts

It’s called disposable income for a reason. There’s single meals for 2 that cost more. Do what you want with your money, it’s none of anyone’s bidness.

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A lot of people are upset about the audacity of Blizzard’s marking technique, therefore they take it out on the players that, in their minds, are enabling it. That’s what I feel makes the most logical sense.

I for one don’t give a crap what people spend their money on. You do you and I will do me.

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I have not seen any comments about the 12 month sub in game. Thinking about putting it on my Christmas list for hubby. :wink: